Chapter 6: All By Myself

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Jessalyn's POV

I watch from the corner of the room as Sal yells at the man. That poor man. This is gonna end how it always does, or really how it's ended the past few days, and no matter how many times I'll see it, I'll never be used to it.

"What did I just say?! You're acting like an asshole, no wonder my daughter went missing!" Sal yells at the man who was Josephine's guard. Oh Josephine... my sweet baby girl has already gone through so much in her life, she didn't deserve this.

"I'm telling you Salvatore, no one went into her room," he says more calmly then a normal person would, but I guess this is how you get while working with my husband. I'll never understand it.

Then how did she go missing?! It's not like they came from the sky!" Sal yells back and the man sighs. His calm demeanor fades when Sal pulls out a gun.

"Is that really necessary honey?" I ask, not wanting to watch more blood be shed.

"Yes, now step out of the way," he tells me so I step back, not wanting to be the one he shoots next.

"I'm sorry," I mouth to him. He doesn't deserve this, he just did his job. He nods softly at me and I turn around, biting my lip so I can control my emotions.

  The gun shot goes off and I hear the mans body go limp on the floor. "I don't understand why you had to do that Sal," I say and he turns his head to me.

  "Don't you want to find the people how took our daughter?" He asks and I keep my eyes closed as I nod. "Then this is a way of doing it," he tries to explain.

  "People shouldn't have to die so we can find her," I softly stare and he shakes his head.

  "This is for Josephine! She's our family!" He yells at me.

  With tears in my eyes I turn to him, "They have families too! Every single one of them have a family and you just kill them like it doesn't matter! What if it was me at the other end of the gun?! Or Josephine? What if she's dead?!" I yell and an emotion washes over him that I've never seen before. Guilt. "What if she's dead?" I ask softer and wipe the tears that have gathered on my face.

  "Then you better believe I'll kill every son of a bitch out there to get her back," he tells me and I sit in the chair that is diagonal to his desk.

  "Killing can't always be the answer, not anymore, not when it comes to her," I say, staring at the edge of the desk.

  "It has to be..." he says and I shake my head.

  "If she's dead now then we're killing innocent people. If she isn't dead, whoever took her will find out who were killing and kill her. Innocent people don't deserve to die," I say and he comes over to me, taking my face into his hands.

  "They don't, but they do anyway. And Josephine wasn't innocent honey... I'm sorry," he says softly to me and I shake my head softly in his hands as more tears well up in my eyes.

  "She was until you corrupted her," I say and let the tears fall once again.

Hero's POV
A little while later...

It's a miracle we got her to the house without anyone questioning us. It would all be Morgan's fault too. He's the one who wouldn't let us put her back in the suitcase. Part of me felt it was wrong to put her back in the suitcase, but to hell with wrong. It should've happened anyway.

I sit there in the chair, looking at her body laying on the bed. I took the restrains off of her. Yes, she's technically a hostage, but I want her to feel at home. I mean I don't... I really don't. If she gets in my way I won't hesitate to do what I need, but I'm not the type of person to keep her in a cobblestone cell and not feed her. She has everything she could ever need here.

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