Chapter 9: There Are a Few Things I Haven't Told You

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Hero's POV

  "It's okay, I'm right here," I tell her softly as I feel her tears start to soak my shirt. I feel so bad for her, she's in pain because of me, this is all my fucking fault.

As per usual.

  I'm a fuck up, and I know that. I don't want to put that onto her. She's just a girl, and I know I said she wasn't just a girl, but right now, as she latches to my body because of the extreme pain she's is, she's just a girl to me.

  "Hero stop for a second please," she begs me, and I can even hear the pain in her voice... I can never hear that. What the fuck is happening to me.

  I immediately stop my action and she pulls away from me. All the warmth I felt, and the safeness is gone when she pulls away. I know it's weird for someone like me to say I feel safe with her but I do. I know in a tough situation she can put all her shit to the side and easily come up with a plan.

  "Sorry it was just too much," she whispers and I wipe the falling tear from her cheek. She slightly flinches before relaxing.

She flinched.

  I broke her, I really broke her already and it hasn't even been a full day here. She stared at a gun barrel and didn't give a fuck, yet I lightly hold her face and she flinches. It wouldn't be noticeable to the naked eye, but if you're holding her face you would be able to feel it.

  "Don't worry about it..." I say softly and her eyes hold mine before she looks away. "I wish he just wouldn't of hurt you..." I mumble a bit and she looks back at me again.

  "I'm honestly surprised you care," she says and I shake my head a bit and look at her arm again.

  "Why is that?" I ask softly and she chuckles softly.

  "Really Hero? Should I even mention you strangling me?" She asks laughing a bit, but I just shake my head again.

  "Well, Josephine, that's a different situation," I say and she smiles a bit.

  "Why? Because you wanted to be right? And it's Jo," she says and I smile a little bit.

  "No, not because I wanted to be right. I'm not getting into that. And okay then, Jo," she smiles at the nickname.

  "You're a very complicated boy Hero," she chuckles and smiles at me. I'm guessing the pain has subsided and now she's just being a little more playful.

  "Boy? That's slightly offensive," I laugh and she shakes her head.

  "You act like a child sometimes," she says and I playfully roll my eyes.

  "Let me finish cleaning your arm and neck," I say and she nods. She grabs one of my hands as I dab the soaked paper towel on her arm again.

  "Fuck I hate this..." she mumbles and squeezes my hand tighter. I oddly hate that she's in pain, and I hate that this pain was causes by me. Well, it was indirect but still.

  "I'm done with your arm, okay?" I say softly and she grabs my hand to stop me from moving to her neck so quickly.

  "I might act like a bitch who doesn't feel anything, but I do feel pain," she tells me and I smile a bit, nodding.

  "I can't say that you aren't badass, because you are. But you didn't hear that from me," I smile more and she giggles softly. It's a lovely sound, and I want to hear more of it. I'm scared she won't let me though, I'm scared she'll shut me out like everyone else.

  "Really? Well my dad made me like that," she tells me and even though I know it's true, I wanna know more. "Ever since I could remember he'd make me sit in on his... meetings," she says softly and I watch a shiver go through her body. As if the memories haunt her.

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