Chapter 46: The Next Episode

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Jo's POV

  When I wake up it feels like blood is filling my mouth. I spit it out the blood that was filling my mouth and open my eyes and try to sit up.

  "Don't," Morgan says from the other side of the room and I turn my head to him.

  "Why? I'm spitting up blood..." I groan and keep my body on the floor.

  "They're gonna bring you the nurse station or whatever," Felix mumbles and I just groan again.

  "I'm gonna throw up," I groan and roll on to my back.

  "Please don't... it was bad last time," Morgan says and I pout a bit at the feeling of blood pooling in my mouth.

  Dean opens the door, or someone else, at this point I just assume it's Dean. Someone puts me on one of those gurney things and they start wheeling me. That's when I hear the big bad Wolf.

  "What the hell happened to my daughter?!" My dad yells and I groan a bit before I start coughing. Blood. I start coughing up fucking blood.

  "The... the torturer made one wrong cut and completely cut her open. The skin was weak and thin. The cut when right through her," one of the doctors tells my dad and I still chose to be a jackass when when I'm dying.

  "Maybe this is why you shouldn't have a torturer," I say and spit more blood out.

"Sedate her," I hear my dad say and I grab the nurses arm.

"If you sedate me, I will wake up and kill you," I tell her and and lean back down on the gurney.

"Why won't you ever listen to me?" My dad asks me and I smirk at him.

"Because I like the pain, the suffering, the challenge. I guess that makes me a bit of a masochist, doesn't it?" I say in a bitchy tone.

"She's passing out again," one of the doctors says after shining a light in my eyes.

"You need to watch yourself," my dad says even though his torturer literally almost killed me. The doctors tell my dad that he can't go further and they try take me through the doors but I stop them.

"You may want me dead dad, but I'm smart and you've put me through more shit then anyone else in the world," I say and he stares at me. "This won't be the end of me no matter how much you wish it was," I say and let the doctors take me.

Hero's POV

They sit me in front of a screen and they make me watch some kind of security footage. "I don't get it," I say, and the man I've learned is named Dean.

"Just watch," he says and rolls his eyes. My eyes stays trained on the screen and I watch her body move. Jo's body. She spits it out and groans. My poor baby girl. They really hurt her.

"What the hell," I say more as a statement then a question. He doesn't say anything, so I just keep watching.

"Don't," Morgan says as she tries to get up. She could barely press her hand to the floor. I just want to hold her again, tell her how everything is going to be okay and how we'll get through this. Somehow.

"Why? I'm spitting up blood..." she groans and keeps her body on the floor still and rolls over. Felix mumbles something about a nurses station.

She keeps groaning, something is wrong. How bad did they get her? I know she's been thorough a lot, she'll be okay. She has to be. "I'm gonna throw up," she groans and lays right on her back.

  "Please don't... it was bad last time," Morgan says and I can't help but wonder what last time was like.

  They show me her being put on the gurney, and then in the hallways where she keeps threatening people. Her guard is up again. Her walls are up further then when I met her. They bring out the worst in her.

  "I don't get it," I say like I don't give a shit about Jo.

  "We showed all you boys these tapes and you all had the same reaction. A poker face." Dean says and I roll my eyes.

  "Okay?" I say and he hits me in the back of the head. "Ow! That hurt you know," I say while scrunching my nose.

  "You're getting on my nerves, and you have a history of sleeping with girls. You're like a man-whore," he says to me and I chuckle.

  "Aren't we all?" I ask with a large, fake, smile on my eyes face. He hits me again and I wince a bit. "You people have put me in hell, quite literally. So, either beat me up some more or let me sleep. Because I haven't slept properly in over a day." I say like I'm tired of this shit. Because I am.

  "You're insane, you're literally insane," he tells me and I chuckle a little more.

  "You know, I'm used to hearing psychopath, but insane had a good ring to it," I say and lean back. Then Dean feels the need to punch me across the face. "Thanks, really needed that," I say and try not to groan as I lean back.

2 hours later
Jo's POV

I rub my eyes lazily as they slowly flutter open. The first thing I see is my dad. "What... what happened?" I mumble and he looks down at me.

"This is the last time I save your ass," he tells me and then brings a screen forward. What I see is something... something that makes me want to throw up again.

Hero is on the floor as Dean beats the shit out of him. Get up! Come on Hero, get the hell up! I try to get up and hide my pain. "Honey you need to sit down..." the nurse warns and I push her weakly but they get me to lay down.

"You're killing him! You're killing him..." I say with tears starting to run down my face. "You know, it makes sense that you would have the rapist do it," I spit to my father and scowls at me.

"Josephine..." he mutters in his stern voice.

"But you know, you never believe he raped me so what's the point of calling him a fucking rapist," I say angrily and I lean back a bit in pain.

"He's a decent person and you know that," is all he says back to me and I close my eyes.

"You're gonna kill one of them... aren't you?" I ask softly and he stares at me a bit.

"You know that answer to that," he says softly and I squeeze my eyes shut a bit and another tear rolls down my face.

"I'll become your bitch again if you let me have one last goodbye with each of them for however long I want," I say softly and I open my eyes. He looks a bit shocked at this request. "I just want to say goodbye..." I say softly and he nods.

"Goodbye it is then..." he mutters and I smile softly. I knew in there somewhere was my father. The soft side of my father that you rarely see.

The side that will always give me a sliver of hope for him.

Authors Note!🖤

I'm really excited and I hope you are too!
I finally planned out the next few parts soooo I know exactly what's gonna happen and I'm excited!

I'm gonna try to put out two parts tomorrow!
Happy holidays!

Hope you enjoyed!
See you in the next one!

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