Chapter 19: Add It Up

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Hero's POV

She's gone.

No note.


  I'm kinda just in a haze in the kitchen. I thought things were going good. My heart literally hurts, I mean where could she have gone?

  I go over to my phone and call Felix. I mean I need to figure things out, because the list is gone. This means she went out, but she can't still be out, can she?

  Felix probably isn't the best person to talk to when it comes to Jo, especially after everything that the two of them have been through. If something has happened to her though, Felix is the person I need.

  "Yo, what's up man?" He asks once he picks up the phone. I mess with my hair, tugging the roots before taking a deep breath.

  "I need you to get me the security footage from the strip," I say and I hear Felix's breathing hitch. He knows that I don't ask for things like this unless it's important.

  "I'll see you in 20 at the main house," he says and the line goes dead. I sigh and make my way to the front door, putting my boots and coat on.

  As I open the door, a breath of fresh air hits my face. As I walk out into the chilling air, I keep thinking of why she could've left. Was it something I did? Something I said? I don't know. But either way, I'm already a mess.

I walk the gravel path and think of how not only the plan has gone south, but how I opened up myself to her. I mean, it's only been a week or so that we've been doing whatever it is we were doing, but I let her see me, the real me that is. I'm not afraid to be myself around her, but now it feels like my walls are all back up.

I walk through the back door and the smell of weed hits me like a ton of fucking bricks. I try to shake off the feeling of wanting a hit, or really just wanting any drug because I need to find her, I need to get back to her.

I make my way up the stairs to Felix's tech room and knock on the door. "Come in!" He yells from the inside and I let myself in. "I literally told you 20 minutes," he says and I roll my eyes, grabbing a folding chair and placing it next to him

"Too bad, I'm here now. What do you have?" I ask and he clicks a few things before pulling up another screen. I've never understood coding or hacking, but luckily Felix does.

"This is from the strip," he says and zooms in on a girl who looks a lot like Jo. When she walks into the grocery store, you can definitely tell it's her.

"I don't get it, what does this tell me man?" I ask and he sighs before speeding up the footage a bit. I stare at him blank faced and he rolls his eyes at me.

"You lead a gang and your this stupid? She never walks out of the store, which means she never leaves, which means-" I cut him off before he could finish.

"Which means someone took her," I say and he looks at the screen before meeting my eyes.

"Bingo," he says and chills run through my body. "What I was about to do before you came in is get the footage from inside the store, so just wait like five minutes and I'll have it," he tells me but the only thing I can do is nod.

So many questions are running through my head. Like who could've taken her? How could that person get her out? Was it someone from the gang? An outsider? How did they find us? Do we have traitors? I rub my temples before leaning back in my seat. This is getting messy, way messier then I could've ever imagined.

Jo's POV

I try not to seem affected by my father's presence, but I can't say that's the easiest task in the world. I refuse to speak, so he just sits across me, staring at me.

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