Chapter 8: Shifting Sands

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Jo's POV
While Hero was gone...

  I sit here and try to ignore everything that's going on around me. Not that Hero is any better but I'm just uncomfortable sitting around with those girls all over the guys.

  "Alright, you girls can go," a voice I don't recognize say and I watch them walk away. All the guys eyes land on me except for Morgan. "So, Josephine," the unknown voice starts and I sigh looking at him.

"The fuck do you want?" I say and everyone but Morgan chuckles, so far he's my favorite, I hope that doesn't change.

"The prissy bitch has a mouth on her I see," Felix says and I feel my bones itch at the way he's staring at me. "No wonder she has those bruises," he tells the room, but really me. "So, Josephine, how's daddy?" He asks and my blood suddenly boils.

"Fuck you," I say and he chuckles. There's a glint in his eye, yet I can't tell from what.

"Awe did that hit a rough spot? Sorry not sorry. I can say though, your tits look amazing," he tells me and I glare. "Got nothing to say?" He says and I bite my lip in anger.

"Why should I waste my breath on your insignificant ass?" I ask, tilting my head a bit. He looks anger, he looks like he's fuming actually.

"What did you say to me?" He asks and pulls out a pocket knife, a different weapon of choice from this gang.

"Woah Felix, she's just defending herself," Morgan says and Felix glares at him.

"So you're gonna take her side?! You're gonna tell me that she's not being a disrespectful bitch?!" He yells in anger as he grips the pocket knife in his hand, his knuckles turning white.

"You're purposely digging at her!" Morgan yells back, making Felix roll his eyes.

"You shouldn't be defending Hero's whores," he says and gets up. He comes over to me, putting the pocket knife against my neck. What is with these assholes? This is the second time in less then 24 hours that my life has been threatened. Yet I don't feel afraid, I feel oddly... unaffected.

"I'm not a whore, so use that word about me again and see what happens," he increases the pressure against my neck, slightly breaking skin and I just keep looking up at him like I did on the plane. Except that time, a gun was too my head.

I know with a gun the death is quick, painless even, but knives are different. You bleed out and try to catch your breath until you can't and die. It's slow, painful, and I don't want it.

"What are you gonna do? Kill me?" He laughs in my face and I feel the small amount of blood rub down my neck from where the small amount of skin is broken. I blink a couple of times and put a small smile on my face.

"Now that wouldn't be fun, now would it?" I ask and his tough demeanor falls, only to be replaced with anger.

"I'll kill you, you do know that. I'll slit your throat, or maybe your wrists." He tells me and takes the knife from my neck and grabs my arm. I don't flinch, but I close my eyes when I feel the knife drag across an area near my elbow. Not somewhere that can easily kill me, but I could bleed out. I open my eyes to see him smirking at me.

"What the fuck Felix? Hero is gonna actually murder you," Morgan says and I look down at my arm and then back up at Felix.

"You think you can scare me? Today alone I've been strangled, so close to death that I could see the other side. Growing up, every time I got a grade lower then an A, my dad would shoot his gun at me and 'hopefully' miss. I grew up around fear, so your threats, your actions, they don't scare me in the slightest," I tell him and his look becomes darker.

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