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Hi everyone!

Welcome to my new story! I know that I haven't finished Framed so I decided to put that story on hold for a bit. I think that I just need to rewatch the show that it's based on after it finishes. I will finish that story, but I had this idea and I wanted to put it out.

Also, I plan for this story to have 100 parts with possibly a sequel. I know my stories in the past have had under 25 parts, but Loving You is gonna have a lot more then that. I don't know how many yet but more then 25😂


This is gonna contain a lot of mature content in a lot of different ways.
Possibly child abuse in flashbacks

There may be more, but I will put disclaimer later for violence and abuse weather it be drugs or other kinds of abuse. I won't put a disclaimer for sex unless it's rape and such.

I really hope you enjoy this story!

Please remember that it is fiction and I mean no harm. So... yeah😂 the description/plot will be under this message lol😂 Enjoy!

What happens when you get on the bad side of too many people?

Josephine Langford knows all about this. She's the daughter of one of the most dangerous Mafia leaders on the east coast. She watches as everyone around her dies because of her father's profession. When things suddenly change, she doesn't know how to react. She wasn't taught to survive alone, she was taught to run and let daddy handle it. How far will that get her now?

Hero Tiffin has a lot of enemies. Bad childhood led to the person who he is today. A killer. Over the years he's learned that gangs and Mafia groups are two very different things. In his mind, gangs kill for sport, Mafias were like a family. Except he doesn't want a family, he never had one. He hates the idea of having a family, so that's why he targets the biggest Mafia on the east coast.

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