Chapter 20: The Other Side

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Jo's POV

I think the darkness is getting to me.

The small lamp desk died quiet awhile ago. Exactly 5 hours ago actually. I've been counting the minutes so I don't go insane, though I think as I count more minutes the crazier I get.

I don't let the fact that I've been sitting in here for over 5 hours get to me, because if I did I'd end up crying. I can't cry... not while I'm here. It shows weakness and my father uses weaknesses to his advantage.

That's why he's keeping me alone in the dark.

He knows how I used to be scared of the dark. I'd cry for hours on end, not getting out of my bed to turn the nightlight on myself. I hate being alone but after a few years I've gotten used to it.

But you never know what's in the dark.

Or really who's in the dark.

I force myself to not shiver at that thought. 57...58...59...60...1... I have to keep the counting going on in my head. I can't let my thoughts wander. 5 hours and 2 minutes. Fuck this is gonna be a long time.

The door opens and I keep my eyes trained on it. I can't tell who walks in, but the light is replaced. My eyes meet a women's, and I suck in a breath when I realize it's my mom.

"M-mom..?" My voice cracks and her eyes shoot up to mine. Weird, why wasn't she looking at me?

  "Josephine.." she whispers. She's scared, I know she is just based on her tone of voice. I need to get her out of this mess. Fuck my father is good. He knows I'll do anything for her.

  "Maman, qu'est-ce qui se passe? Pourquoi es-tu effrayé?" Mom, what the hell is happening? Why are you scared? You know what, fuck you dad because you don't understand French.

  "Je ne suis pas censé être ici ma chérie..." I'm not supposed to be here sweetheart... My heart breaks for her. She places a small dish on the table and comes closer to me. "Eat," she says in a hushed tone.

  She brings the spoon to my lips and I don't open my mouth until I smell it. It's clearly a soup... it shouldn't smell like almonds. I shake my head, "Je n'ai pas faim." I'm not hungry. I state, knowing something is wrong with it. I just can't put my finger on it.

  "Il va me faire du mal ma chérie, s'il te plaît, mange juste la soupe." He's gonna hurt me sweetheart, please just eat the soup. She literally begs me and brings the spoon to my lips again. The almond scent is so strong, and then I remember what smells like almonds. Cyanide.

  "Je suis désolé, je ne peux pas..." I'm sorry, I can't... I tell her and tears fall down my face. I can't give up my life so she can't get hurt. I'm gonna save her... even if it means starving myself.

  "Mange la putain de soupe Joséphine!" Eat the fucking soup Josephine! My mom yells at me and I shake my head as more tears stream down my face.

  "Je ne peux pas..." I can't... I cry and she looks at me with a broken face. She takes the dish and walks out of the room. I look down and let a sob break through my lips as I let the counting begin. 1...2...3...4...5...

Hero's POV

How can I track her?

  I know that finding her is going to me a tough task, so I already have people on the east coast helping me. Along with people in the mid-west and such. My job is the west coast.

  Me and Felix have been thinking for hours on different ways we could try and find her. Her phone is a dead end since she hasn't had a phone since we took her. She also didn't wear any bracelets, which all have trackers in them. I guess I'll have to get her to wear more jewelry.

  "Don't we put trackers in our clothes?" Felix asks me and I look over at him.

  "What?" I ask, kinda dumbfounded. If this isn't a thing that we already do, we need to start doing it.

  "Don't we put trackers in bras and underwear for this exact reason?" He asks and starts to do some of his weird tech magic on his phone. He starts going up the stairs of my house and I follow him like a puppy.

  "Dude, what the fuck are you doing?" I ask and he opens the door to Jo's room. I haven't touched it since I went looking for her... it feels cold. So fucking cold.

  "Looking to see what bra she wore," he nonchalantly says and it takes me back a bit. I know what we're looking for, I just think it was a little too blunt. But who the fuck am I kidding, it's not like Felix has many social skills.

  He moves his phone over her very organized draw of bras and underwear until I hear a ding noise. I make my way closer to him and see what he's looking at. "I'm not a tech wiz like you, the fuck am I looking at?" I ask as I look down at his phone.

  He sighs, "She wore the bra with that tracking number, so if I can get the tracking number in a tracking software, we should know where she is or if she's underground, then her last whereabouts." He explains and I nod.

  I don't know what I'm gonna do if she's underground. Not only will it make it 10 times harder to find her, but she'll most likely not come back to above ground for a long time.

Not because that's her choice but because of her dad.

  I don't wanna say that I want to murder her father, but I do. I want to kill him. Not because he has the land that I want or the control I've always wanted, but because he hurt her. And he took her. She seemed happy for the first time and he took it away from her. I want him dead and I want my girl back.

What the fuck did I just think?

  She's not my girl... is she? I mean maybe. I want her to be, because she's the first person I've cared about since my family. I made a gang so I could have a new sense of family... yet I've only felt that feeling with her.

Fuck I'm in deep.

  "Got it," I hear Felix say and follow him as he sits on the bed. I know for a fact that her bed hasn't been slept in for a long time, because she's been with me. I want her warm body pressed against mine. I want to hold her until my last breath.

  "Well?" I ask impatiently and I just know that Felix rolled his eyes when I hear him sigh and zoom in on the map. "Is that a containment warehouse?" I ask, I mean come on Salvatore, you couldn't of kept your daughter in a harder place?

  Containment warehouses are one of the easiest things to break into. But a mafia person wouldn't know that. Not one who lives as lavishly as him.

  "Sure as hell is, I say we get a team and go now. If we don't they might move her," Felix tells me and I nod, getting up and walking towards the door. "Man," Felix says so I turn around to face him again. "I know this isn't just about getting revenge at Salvatore anymore... you feel something for her..." he says and I bite my lip.

  "I've never felt so... normal when I'm with her," I confess and he looks down before getting up and holding my shoulder.

  "If you get in too deep, you'll drown," he says before walking out to go get a team and his shit together.

Little does he know I'm already drowning.

Authors Note!🖤

Hehehehehe I'm gonna be happy writing next part

Hope you enjoyed!
See you in the next one!

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