Chapter 40: The Party's Over

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The next morning
Hero's POV

It's hard to pretend that I didn't see everything in that letter.

She might be pregnant.

I sent Jo out for the day with Morgan, knowing that he wanted to talk to her about different things. Now knowing what I know about her childhood, I know that they both had shitty childhoods.

I let Felix read over the letter over and over again. He seems like he's confused mostly, but also weirded out. "I don't know what you're trying to tell me man," he tells me and I roll my eyes, taking the letter from his hands.

"What if she's pregnant?" I ask and run my hands through my hair. This is stressful, and I feel... I don't know how I feel. I was never good with feelings.

"Then she's pregnant FT, there's nothing you can do about it," Felix says and I look at him. "There's a lot of things you can do but no matter how ruthless the two of you are you'll never go through with that." He tells me and I lean on my desk.

"She found out about Finn..." I say and he sucks in a breath. "She kinda already knew him. She went through her dads files when she was younger and saw me... said she thought I was hot." We both chuckle, but Felix's was more awkward.

"That's how she reacted?" He asks and I nod. He shakes his head and I look at him confused. "I just feel like it would've been bigger... I feel like she would've had a bigger reaction," he tells me and I sigh.

"Me too, but she was so drained that I think that she just... didn't react." I tell him and he nods. "Lord knows what her and Morgan are telling each other," I say and laugh.

"Probably talking about us honestly," he says and I laugh a bit.

"But what if I'm not ready to have a kid," I say to Felix, going back to the reason I called him here.

"Then you have to learn to be better. You have to just... do it," he tells me and I sit at the side edge of my desk. "There's no way to prepare you to be a parent in general, nonetheless in a life like this. You're a good person behind the bitchy-ness. And if anyone knows that it's Jo. You'll be a great dad, and Jo will be a great mom. Just remember that when you talk to her," he tells me and I start laughing a lot.

"You- you want me to talk to her about this?" I laugh and he looks at me like I'm crazy. "Dude, I can't ignore it but I don't wanna ruin things. This might ruin things," I tell him and sigh softly.

"I don't think it will. If anything you'll see her more vulnerable," he says and I shake my head.

"I don't think it can get anymore vulnerable then it already is," I confess and he nods, not asking me anymore.

"You two have been through a lot, I'm sure one question won't ruin everything between you two."
He tells me, but it's not really a reassure.

"Maybe I shouldn't be worrying, maybe I should just deal with it like an adult... yeah, I'm an adult," I say, mostly to myself.

"Barely," Felix mutters and I slap his arm.


"Okay but what if it's positive?" I ask Morgan and he smiles at me.

"Then it's positive JoJo, it's okay. I'm happy I got to take you away from that hell hole today though," he tells me and I smile.

"But if it's positive now it means I am... it changes everything. I can't change everything. I can't bring a baby into this life, I can't, I can't, I can't..." I say and Morgan pulls me an unexpected hug.

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