Chapter 4: Slow Night, So Long

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Jo's POV
As they're eating...

I sigh listening to my father talk to Tony. I can't believe what they're saying. This... it can't be mine.

"Questo è su di te Salvatore, ora è il suo posto." This is on you Salvatore, it's her place now. Tony tells him, but what the hell is he talking about. It's stressing me out now.

"È mia figlia, quindi è casa mia," she's my daughter therefore it's my place. My dad backs, but I think I'm understanding it now... oh my god.

"Lo ha ucciso! L'hotel è suo!" She killed him! The hotel is hers! My blood runs cold, you have to be joking.

"Ma non voglio l'hotel ..." But I don't want the hotel. I say and they stare at me, my fathers features relax while Tony's become more tense.

"Hai deciso di ucciderlo quindi ora sei il proprietario di questo posto," You decided to kill him so now you own this place. Tony tells me and I stare at him with daggers for eyes.

"Bene, allora lo sto dando a mio padre, now excuse me," Fine then I give it to my dad. I say and stand up, walking out to go to the bathroom.

I don't get what's so hard to understand, I don't want it. I'm only 18 years old, I don't want the weight of a mob infested hotel on my shoulders.

  I know the table of boys were listening to me, and I know they're watching me right now. I look over at them and watch the tall one who was dumbfounded before, and his eyes track me.

  I go into the bathroom and my mom walks in after me. "Josephine what the hell is going on?" She whisper yells, as if someone is listening.

  I lean against the sink and look into the mirror. I turn around to her and sigh softly. "I killed a man," I say and she sucks in a breath. Rightfully so too. I shouldn't of done it, I know I shouldn't of done it, because now I'm wrapped up in this mess.

"Why?" She asks and I look down at my feet. How do I explain this to her, she's gonna get mad either way. She has the right to get mad.

"I was scared of what dad would do if I didn't." I wasn't really scared, but in a way I was. He'd probably make me smell of death if I didn't do it, and right now that seems like the better option.

If I told her what the boys said, I'm done for. She'll lock me away in our large apartment until god knows when. Honestly, no matter how appealing that sounds right now, I can't. I can't live there and do nothing. Sadly killing people is better.

She leaves me, not knowing what to say and extremely disappointed in me. I turn back to the mirror and sigh softly. This is who I've become. An emotionless soldier who disappoints her mother. Sad thing is I was emotionless to begin with.

I walk out of the bathroom when I see the tall man from the table coming towards me. He's separated from the rest of his group, which is honestly weird. He backs me into the women's rest room again and I look up at him. "You understood us," he says and I smirk.

"I thought you got that idea when I told you not to talk about my ass," I say and go to step out but he blocks me. "Out of my way."

"Why should I be scared of you? You're just a little girl," he scoffs and I roll my eyes, taking my gun out of my bag and placing the barrel right over his heart.

"I may seem like a little girl but I'm more deadly then you think," I say and his eyes darken. "I'm not just daddy's little girl you ass," I say, realizing what he was probably thinking.

"Hard to say otherwise," he says and I chuckle bitterly.

"You looked me up, which means you're planning something. I am your target aren't I," I ask and he goes to move, so I place the gun at my own head. He sucks in a breath and I knew it was a good choice. "I'm more valuable to you alive, at least right now. So I suggest you start speaking."

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