Chapter 10: The Descent Into Hell Isn't Easy

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Jessalyns POV

  I lean back in the chair that's meant for my daughter and watch the screen constantly go red. "How many of these people's did you kill Sal?" I ask and watch the coldness fill his face.

It's a normally look I get from him.

That doesn't make it enjoyable though.

  "Most of them, why are you even in here?" He asks me and I roll my eyes. He thinks I can't do anything so screw him.

  "It's my daughter too," I say and he sighs before going through the people on the screen. It's everyone that ever been against Sals portion of the Mafia, which is a pretty big portion.

  He goes to skip over a group of boys, not too much older hen Josephine when I stop him. "Wait," I say and he glares at me.

  "What? There's nothing special about these guys." He tells me and I shake my head.

  "I recognize that one," I say, getting up and pointing to the one in the center.

  "From where," is all Sal asks and I look at him.

  "They were at Hotel Capri, they... they weren't speaking English. God what where they speaking..." I trail off as I think.

  "This is a waste of time-" Sal starts to tell me when I cut him off.

  "Latin! They were speaking Latin! No one speaks Latin, Jo only learned it for fun." I say and his glare softens a bit.

  "We'll keep an eye out for them, but it says they were last seen in the Carolinas," he tells me and I nod.

  "I guess we know where we should start looking," I say, a smile on my face. We might find her... we might find my baby.

Hero's POV

Where the bloody hell is she?

  She isn't in the bathroom, at the bar, on the dance floor, she isn't anywhere. She, quite literally, vanished.

  Now I know that isn't technically possible, but she did. She barely knows her way around, but she knows her way to the main house and my house. That's why I sent Morgan there to look for her, because they seem to get along so she could trust him.

  I down the shot as I start feeling more and more stressed. I mean I just don't get it. I was watching the bathroom door like jewels or some shit was gonna come out of it. In a way she's just as precious, to me and a shit tone of other people.

Now she's gone.

  "Did you find her mate?" Felix asks me and I glare at him.

  "No, I didn't. The fuck do you care though? She told me how you threatened to rape her," I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

  "I wasn't actually gonna do it mate," he tries to tell me and I just sit down on the couch, running my hands through my hair.

  "Where the fuck would she be... it's not like she knows her way around," I say kinda to myself but also kinda to Felix.

  "I would've kept her on a tight leash," Felix tells me and I glare again.

  "Not helping," I say and my eyes lighten up when Morgan walks in and he shakes his head, making me sigh.

  "I checked both houses man... she wasn't there. I don't know where she could be, I mean this place isn't that big..." he says but trails off.

  "Fuck!" I yell, kicking the table that's in front of me. Some of he glasses fall, and break in the process, but I don't care.

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