Chapter 45: Filthy Games

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Jo's POV

As Dean drags me down the hallway he starts small talking me, which is so fucking annoying. "No expected you to be there, and then why were shocked when we found you," he tells me and I stay silent. "Not gonna say anything?" He asks in a bitchy tone.

"Why would I? It would be damning in my case, wouldn't it? I know how this shit works, it's not like I'm some random bitch. I'm his daughter. I know how this works, I used to be on your side of things." I tell him. Nothing that'll fuck me over, but the truth in the end.

"Fair enough, but if any of you want to get out of this alive, you're gonna need a better plan then not saying shit," he tells me and gets out a set of keys. He selects one and opens the door, and pushes me in.

I look around and recognize the room. It's like a fucking jail cell, but surprisingly not only me in here. Jack, Felix, and Morgan are all sitting on the wall. Hero isn't here... of course he isn't.

"Ubi Heros?" Where's Hero? I ask in Latin and Morgan is the only one who looks up to acknowledge me. "Ubi est infernum, Heros?" Where the hell is Hero? I ask more pissed and Felix sighs.

"Nos nescimus..." We don't know... Felix tells me and I sit down next to them.

I look at the floor and I close my eyes. It feels like I haven't had enough time with him... it's not fair. Nothing is fucking fair.

"Est sumus in hoc vestrum erit flagitium," It's your fault we're in this. Jack says and all of us look up at him. "Si autem pugnabat noluerunt vobis occurrere cum iam cecidere nunquam tibi." If you wouldn't of fought back when he met you, he never would've fell for you.

"Jack..." I say softly and he shakes his head at me.

"Et non sicut tu occidisti non esse deberet." He would've killed you like he was supposed to. He spits at me and Morgan and Felix snap their heads up.

"Est satis," That's enough, Felix says to Jack and Jack just rolls his eyes. I mess with my hair and look at Felix and Morgan.

"Habemus autem ascendit cum historia. Nos non dicimus absolute nihil est, et non possumus ita ut notitia ex eis parvum nuggets noli occidere nos." We have to come up with a story. We can't say absolutely nothing, but we can give them small nuggets of information so they don't kill us. I say and they stare at me.

"Haec dextra, quis non scit magis quam ludum." She's right, she knows the game better than anyone. Morgan says and I smile softly.

"Non potest commemorare aliquid de me et Hero. Si quaeris, DEFLECTO. Si autem quaeritur de aliquo hominum illorum, qui te occisus est, ne videamur canina est. Et occidit eos ut iustus dico vos ut seorsum de officium tuum, sicut quid faciunt."We can't mention anything about me and Hero. If they ask, deflect. If they ask about any of their men that you've killed, don't seem too bitchy about it. Just tell them how you killed them as apart of your job, just like how they do. I explain and they all nod, though it's clear Jack is reluctant.

I lean my head back on the wall and Dean opens the door. "Lei è qui. Non dimenticare di fare qualsiasi cosa per toglierglielo." She's in here. Don't forget to do anything to get it out of her. Dean says in Italian and I laugh a bit.

"I can still understand you," I say to him and he rolls his eyes before letting someone in. Someone we know as the torturer. "No... no!" I yell as they grab me and carry me out of the room as I push against his iron grip.

  The sad part about this is I know exactly what's gonna happen. They're doing this to get a reaction out of Hero. They know that if I show up back to the room looking like hell, when they put Hero back in the boys will tell him. I just have to make sure that doesn't happen.

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