Chapter 2: Memento Mori

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Hero's POV

I watch the body fall into the ocean.

  It's sad how normal this feels now. You would think that watching a lifeless body fall into the ocean would hurt, or maybe you'd even feel sad. Not me though.

Especially since I'm the one who shot him.

  There's something my gang says, every time we kill someone and dispose of the body. Dilexit vos sunt, or in English, you were loved.

  It's supposed show a sign of peace, and maybe that were not all totally monsters. Though the general population would beg to differ. "Dilexit vos sunt James..." I say and make my way back to my car, forgetting everything that just happened.

I look off into the water before I get into the car, rolling my eyes as I see a incoming call from Felix. Of course. "What the hell do you want?" I ask immediately after I answer.

"Hello to you too. And I got a letter here for you." He tells me and I sigh, running my hands through my hair. I keep trying to break this nervous habit, it's one of my many bad habits that I have. Maybe if I break one I can break the other. But fuck, it's hard.

"From who?" I ask, it's normal for me to get letters. It's the easiest way to send information without someone seeing it.

"Our buddy on the east coast... what the fuck was his name..." Felix trails off.

I roll my eyes, "Seth?" I ask, I sent a few people on the east coast. So different people are more reliable then others. Seth, well he's the best.

"Yeah, yeah him." He tells me and I can tell he's messing with his hair. I stop at the red light.

"Any day now, Felix," I say. I know I'm impatient sometimes, but this is very important.

"Fuck off man, I'm trying to make sure I got all the information." He shoots back at me, and I keep my temper at bay. "It says that Salvatore is probably gonna kill Jason, for one reason or another, but it also says that they're meeting at Hotel Capri on... July 24," he says.

I look down at my phone, locking it and then seeing the date on the screen. "You're fucking with me right? That's today Felix," I say, groaning. Fuck I hate planes.

"Damn, is it really?" He asks, and honestly I'm not surprised. Sometimes, Felix is just so damn clueless.

"Yes... god damn it Salvatore," I groan and hit the steering wheel.

"He's a smart man Hero...-" I cut off Felix.

"No shit he's a smart man. Does it say what he's gonna do? Did Jason at least find that out?" I'm internally begging that he did.

"All he got from Jason was that Hotel Capri at 8, and that the daughter is gonna be there," Felix says, and god damn it. Jason is useless.

The daughter though, she's daddy's little princess. A spoiled brat who probably thinks her dad is all good. She doesn't know a damn thing about being in the big world.

"Do me a favor..." I start saying, and Felix cuts me off with a chuckle.

"Do I even have a choice?" He asks in a semi-serious but also joking way.

"Whatever man, just get me information on the daughter before I get back. And get Tranquility to meet in the lounge. Looks like we're going to New York." I say and hang up, not giving Felix the chance to say anything.

Tranquility, it's the name of the gang. It means being calm and in the face of danger, or put under pressure, we are calm. It's scary, and I like it that way. I lose my temper on things here and there, but sometimes it's hard having everything built up inside you with no release.

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