Chapter 35: State of Love and Trust

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A week later
Jo's POV

I lay on Hero's bed as I stare up at the ceiling. I'm currently on pain meds which are making me all sorts of loopy. I look over at Hero, who's changing. "Pretty," I giggle and he shakes his head as he laughs.

He comes over to me once he's dressed and kisses me softly. "It's your last dose," he tells me softly and I smile a bit.

"I'll only crave them more... you know that," I say softly and watch as his eyes become sadder and sadder. I told him all about the drug overdoses. How my dad would feed them to me as a punishment. How sometimes I would show up to the little school we had set up shaking from withdrawal, or higher then any kid should ever be.

I always wanted more. I wanted to feel better so my dads goons would give me whatever I wanted as long as I said pretty please. Life sucked then, but it's much better now.

"Well, I'm gonna be right here baby, so no drugs for you," he says, kissing my nose. I giggle and move closer to him. I want him all day everyday, and I honestly can't say that I'm mad about it.

  I keep staring at the ceiling, and I can't help but wondering what's gonna happen. My father isn't a man who's just gonna give up easily, or really give up at all. He's gonna come back, hard. And someone is gonna get hurt.

I just hope it's not Hero.

  We've all lived through shit, but him more then most. No matter how much it was drilled into his head that he deserved everything he got, he didn't. He should know he didn't.

  "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" He asks and kisses my head, making me giggle.

  "I was just thinking of how something big is gonna happen. And soon," I say softly and Hero looks at me confused. I move closer and wrap my arms around him. "My dad isn't gonna give up. He's gonna come back harder then ever," I say softly and his arms snake around me. He rolls over so I'm directly laying on him and he's holding me tightly.

  "I won't let him take you," he says into my hair and I smile against his chest. I lean my chin on him and look at his face.

  "I know, that's not what I'm scared about," I say softly and move up, kissing his lips. "I'm scared he's gonna hurt you..." I say softly and don't meet his eyes. It's completely a possibility and I don't know if I can handle Hero getting hurt again.

  I've held his dead body in my arms and brought it back to life in a fit of panic. I can't let him get hurt. Seeing that again... my heart picks up just from thinking about it.

  "Baby he can't hurt me," he tells me and I shake my head, sitting up as I straddle him.

  "You don't know that, there's evil, evil people that he knows. Who would do anything to pay their debt or do it just because they're loyal to him." I say and put my hands in his hair, moving it out of his face. "Someone will try killing you... and you can't die on me," I say and he sits up so he's face to face with me.

  "I don't care who tries to kill me, as long as you're alive I will fight for my life." He tells me and I smile softly, nodding. I kiss him, hard and passionately. My hands thread through his hair and I pull him as close to me as possible.

  "Mmm, I need you," I somewhat mumble between kisses and groans. His mouth moves down my neck and I play with the tie on his sweatpants. Once that's done, I tug at the hem of his shirt. "Off," I moan from what his lips are doing to my neck.

  He pulls back slightly and I pull his shirt off his body. He quickly does the same to me and lays me down on the bed. "Are you sober?" He asks, kissing my neck and licking the sensitive area.

  "Oh hell yes," I groan and press my hips against him. He moans into my neck at the friction between both of us.

  I've never felt this strong of a connection between someone, and I know I'll never feel it again. He's the only one for me, and I don't want anyone else.

  He rips my underwear off my body and I pout. I liked those, and he just has to go and rip them off. "Sorry princess, they were in my way," he says and kisses my lips sweetly before kissing his way down my chest and stomach.

  My heart flutters when he calls me princess. I don't know what it is but that name just makes my cheeks heat up and want him even more. I kick his sweatpants off and he takes his boxers off before he's slides himself against me. I groan into his neck as I hold his body close.

  He's teasing me, after all of this he's teasing me. I hate when he does that so guess what, two can play at that game.

  I flip him over so I'm on top of him and I start gliding my hips over him slowly. Low grumbles come from him and I keep a smirk on my face. "Feels so good baby, I can come like this," I moan and his eyes open from their previously shut state.

  He sits up, face to face with me as I keep moving my hips slowly. "Fuck, you're so wet princess. Look at the mess you made," he says slowly; making sure I take in every word. I moan and he attaches his lips to mine.

  "I can't do this anymore," I rush out quickly before I push him into me.

   "Fucking hell," he moans out as I just moan louder. He lays back down and his hands go on my hips, assisting me slightly as I bounce on him.

  "Fuck, fuck it's so good," I moan and flip my hair so it's out of my face. I rock my hips and close my eyes, leaving my head back as I moan.

  "Look at my dirty princess, fucking herself on me. Does it feel good baby? Are you getting yourself off?" Hero asks and I have half a mind to answer.

  "Yes...." I moan out and start bouncing again. At some point I start squeezing my eyes shut and Hero sits up, holding me.

  I pull on his hair and bury my head into his neck. "Go on baby, come for me. I'm so close too," he groans and I squeeze him tighter before I start moaning loudly into his neck. He pulls my lips to his, muffling my moans as I come undone on him.

  It doesn't take him long to come after me. He thrusts up a few short times and he's panting against my lips as I slump against him. He lays back down and I play with his hair in a daze.

  "Baby?" He asks softly and I barely register what he's saying.

  "Hm?" I mumble as I hold him closer. I'm up in the clouds, but for a good reason for once.

  "I love you, don't ever forget that," he tells me and I put a lazy smile on my face.

  "I won't, as long as you remember that I love you more," I say with all my strength before slumping down on him again.

  He lets out a low chuckle and kisses my forehead, "Whatever you say princess."

Authors Note!🖤

Hi for now lol
Bye for now lol

Hope you enjoyed!
See you in the next one!

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