Chapter 11: Snakes in the Garden

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Hero's POV

I make my way back into the club after getting the call from Morgan about Jo being with him. Felix meets me at some point but the silence between us is peaceful in a way.

I walk through the crowd of bodies to get up to the room that were in, in the VIP section. When I get up there I see what she looks like.

"Holy fuck,"
"Mother of God..."

Both me and Felix say at the same time and she stands up. I immediately notice the stitches in her arm. "How did you get those..." I ask, moving closer.

She looks down at her arm and the back at me. "So... you have some competition," she tells me a bit nervously, and I narrow my eyes at her.

  "What the hell do you mean I 'have some competition?'" I ask and she sighs. I have a slight feeling it's the reason why she looks like she was just in a massacre.

"Well, this guy named Joseph used to be friends with my dad. Things went down and he hates my dad. Now, he wants to get back at him by using me. And well... you have me," she explains and I take a deep breath.

"Well shit. Now we have not only the biggest Mafia family in the world after us, but whatever this asshole is apart of," Felix, oh so helpfully, mentions.

"Why don't you just shut the fuck up while I think?" I say, and look around, my gaze eventually making its way back to Jo. She stands there, covered in blood as she shifts on her heels a bit.

  "You realize we can't get her out of here without it looking like the fucking Walking Dead, right?" Morgan says and I nod absentmindedly.

  "Too fucking bad, she needs to get out so she can clean herself of whoever's blood that is," I say and go to turn around before she grabs my arm, shaking her head. "Why not?" I ask and she looks away from me as she gathers her thoughts before looking back at me.

"They're under the club..." she says quietly.

Morgan's POV

  "They're under the club..." Jo says quietly, if the room was any bigger me and Felix wouldn't of been able to hear her.

  "What?" Hero asks, his eyes slightly wide at the statement.

  "This is bloody brilliant," Felix mutters and I shoot him a glare.

  "Or built into it. I... I don't remember running up any steps," she says. She doesn't deserve to be through all this, but damn, I give her props for not breaking in the past 24 hours.

  "You're telling me you never left the club, you never walked through the doors you came," Hero says, trying to make everything clear in his head again.

  "I was by the steps when they took me and when I got out," she says and he sucks in a breathe.

  "What are we gonna do now?" I ask and watch as Hero bites his lip in concentration.

  "David?" He yells kinda loudly, and a man comes through the curtains. He tries not to make an expression from Jo's appearance, but he does it pretty well.

  "What can I do for you sir?" He asks Hero, and Jo chokes back a laugh.

  Hero slightly glares at her before returning his view to the guy named David. "Escort her outside, and stay with her until I come  down," he tells him Ans he nods.

He takes Jos arm but she pulls it back.

Hero's POV

  I watch as Jo pulls her arm back from David. "What? No! I don't need a babysitter Hero," she says and I shake my head.

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