Chapter 1: Die All, Die Merrily

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^^the outfit Jo changes into^^
Jo's POV

Sometimes I wish I didn't exist.

  It would be easier in the long run. I wouldn't fear for my life when I was alone. I wouldn't watch everyone I know die.

I never knew there were so many ways to kill a person.

  I stand in the corner of my dad's office. If anyone should be scared of someone, it's him. He has looks that could kill, and a gun that is way more deadly.

Even I'm scared of him sometimes.

"Come on Salvatore, you can't do this to me," the man begs, but begging is useless. Beggars often end up dead, as my father used to tell me.

My dad stays calm, another scary trait he possesses. He only looks up at the man, and the man becomes scared. He glances to me, and then to the other wall where the security guard stands. You would think such a big mobster wouldn't wanna get his hands dirty in blood. Not my father.

  In the beginning he used to tell me to step out of the room. I was so fragile back then, naive. He ended up killing so many people in this very room that he forgot I was even there.

Like I was a ghost.

  "I can do whatever I damn well please, Jason." My dad says, his voice staying steady, monotone. I sigh and move my eyes to stare at the wall next to me. Jason... each man has a name yet all of them end up dead. You lose count at some point.

  "I have a family, and kids," he says frantically, yet my father has barely moved since he came in here.

  I shake my head, rolling my eyes. "Don't," the security guard, Malcom, mouths to me.

  "They all have families and kids, that doesn't stop him. You should've thought of the before getting involved with the Mafia," I say and the deadly stare of my dad comes back, except now he's staring at me.

  I used to be scared of his looks, I used to be scared of him in general. Now I'm just numb. That's the only word to describe it. I'm numb, and once you're numb there's no turning back.

  I watch my dad and the man talk, not yelling, just talking. It's unnerving, not knowing who's gonna do what and when the gun is gonna be drawn.

  "Salvatore, please," the man begs once again. That's when you hear my dad load the gun.

  "Beggars can't be choosers," he says as he aims the gun at his head.

  "I'll- I'll do anything!" He yells, shakily and scared. I see this glint in my fathers eyes, like he has an idea.

  "Anything, you say?" My dad asks and Jason quickly nods. He lowers the gun, god this isn't gonna end well. "Good, stand in front of the girl," that's what he does to me when he's mad. He refers to me as "the girl."

  Jason makes his way over to me, around the chair and standing right in front of me with his back to me. "Now turn around," my father says. I suck in a breath, he's close to me, too close for comfort. But it's not like I have a choice. "I'm gonna teach both of you a lesson. Don't defy me. Beggars often end up dead Jason," there it is... there's the saying. He pulls the trigger and the blood splatters on my face.

  Being that Jason is taller then me, the bullet goes through the wall, but I get the blood all over me. His lifeless body falls onto me, and I push him off. He drapes over the chair he walked around only minutes ago... maybe even seconds, and now he's dead.

  I get the blood out of my eyes, and look over at my dad. "What the hell?!" I yell in anger. I watch his face flair up, and he comes over to me. He grabs my chin making me look at his burning eyes.

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