Chapter 16: Don't Stop Me Now

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Jo's POV
The next morning...

  I rub my eyes a bit as the sun hits my face. The question of who was addressed on the envelopes still lingers in my mind, as another question forms.

Why does Hero have them?

  I shake the thought away as I get out of bed, making it before I move the shades away from the window. It's those shitty shades, that are sheer to make sure they wake you up.

  I rub my eyes again before I go to the closet thing in here. I grab the least revealing thing that is in the closet and put it on. It's just a basic crop top and high waisted jeans.

  I rub my eyes a bit again and go to the bathroom that both me and Hero share. I look at the shower and notice droplets of water on the gray tile wall. At least I know he's awake. I finish brushing my teeth and putting my hair up before I go downstairs.

  I'm expecting to see Hero when I reach the bottom of the steps, but there's no sign of him. I make my way to the kitchen and that's when I see the yellow piece of paper sitting on top of the kitchen counter. I pick it up, reading it quickly.

I'll be back by 5, I need you to do a few things:
-Clean the house, DONT GO INTO MY OFFICE
-Go grocery shopping, I left enough money for you to buy your own things and clothes (it's on the door)


I roll my eyes, I knew this was gonna come at some point, so I should've expected it. I make breakfast, trying not to burn the scrambled eggs and adding some cheese for extra flavor.

After eating, I wash the dishes, clean the bathroom, both of our rooms, the living room and all the fucking beer bottles everywhere. Once I'm done, I take a quick shower before I go to the door.

Here's some money, use most of it on your clothes since we don't need that much food.

Another note, that also has the list of foot we need. I take the money off the door and count it. Holy fuck, he gave me $1000. I put the money in my pocket and open the door, leaving.

After the long walk to the strip, I decide to buy my clothes first. I pick out some crop tops, some jeans and leggings, some sport bras and normal bras with underwear. I tried to get the most reasonably things, but all the crop tops are cropped way too high and all the undergarments are lace.

I also decided to grab a romper or two and some dresses since I have a feeling we'll be going to the club. Along with that, I grab some sneakers, heels, and a pair of Toms. Once I pay, I have just enough for stuff at the grocery store. What can I say, I like shopping.

At the grocery store I get myself some products I need, like a hair brush and tampons before I actually buy the food. Once I check out, I'm left with $30. There's a clock at the front of the store, and if I'm right, it's about 3:30pm.

I make my way back to the house, and once I'm there I organize everything. I start putting the food away first, and then I go up to my room to put everything away.

As if on cue, I hear the door burst open downstairs. I look at the clock and see that it is 5pm. I change into different undergarments and a pair of leggings so I'm more comfortable before I go downstairs.

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