Chapter 17: Shiny Happy People

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Jo's POV
About a week later...

Okay, so it didn't just happen one time.

The first day after, we kept our distance. Well it was more like we were avoiding each other. Like he would see me going to the kitchen and he'd go to his office. Or if I went to the bathroom, he would go to his room.

It's like we were teenagers, seeing each other after a one night stand.

  The second day was better. We stayed in the same room at the same time. It was a start. Sexual tension was obvious, it was so bad that even Felix noticed it.

  I gave Hero a small smile, happy that finally we weren't avoiding each other anymore. I mess with my hair and sip the drink he just gave me, almost gaging. "Do you only drink alcohol?" I laugh a bit and place it on the coffee table.

  "No but everyone needs to loosen up a bit," Hero says while smirking at me. I shake my head a bit, holding my smile back.

  "Woah, the temperature has risen like, 10 degrees in here," Felix says and I just lay my head on the back of the couch. "Have you fucked her yet?" Felix laughs and Hero chokes on his drink.

  "What the fuck Felix?!" Hero yells and I try to suppress my laughter.

  "I'm right here you know," I say and he shrugs to me. I roll my eyes and Hero hits him with a pillow.

  "It's just a question, you two have the thickest sexual tension I've ever felt." Felix simple states so I keep rolling my eyes.

  "You're one of the biggest assholes I've ever met," I say and Felix looks at me. I get up, going closer to him and getting closer to his face as I talk. "I mean that's not something you just say to someone. What if we did fuck? What benefit does it give you?" I ask, pissed.

  "My benefit is thinking of you naked," Felix says and I roll my eyes, grabbing my drink from the coffee table and throwing it in his face. "What the hell?" Felix yells, rubbing his probably burning eyes.

  "Go drown in hell," I say and make my way up to my room.

The third day changed everything.

  Our hands wouldn't stay off each other. They kept giving find their way to each other, and they would glue themselves together like superglue.

And you couldn't pull them apart.

That Night...

  I put my pajamas on, of course they're silk since that's the only thing the fucking store had.

Short ass pajama shorts.

A barely there tank top.

  All day we've been gravitating towards each other like magnets. It's gotten to the point where he locked himself in his office. The one place I'm not allowed.

  I go over to the full length mirror in the room and look at myself. The girl I used to know is completely washed away, and only the remaining part that's left of her is the body my mind is in.

  My hard shell is still there, I can be a bad ass when I need to be, but now I have emotions. I don't just sit there and wait to be used, it's like I can finally think for myself.

It's like I can finally breathe.

  I snap out of my oddly dark thoughts when a series of knocks come from my door. "Jo? I know you're in there. Can we talk?" I hear Hero's voice say and I sigh. I walk over to the door, "Jo-" he starts to say but me opening the door cuts him off. "Holy fuck," he says like I've heard before.

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