Chapter 36: Highland Games

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A few days later
Jo's POV

Sometimes I think life's shitty parts will fly by me.

They don't.

  I sit on the kitchen counter, my back turned away from the living room as I hear the grunting from behind me. I squeeze my eyes shut and I know I've see worse, but this isn't me. Hero doesn't want me watching him beat the shit out of a man.

  I don't understand how they can do this in their own living room, but maybe I'm just naive to it. Maybe my dad did all these things but locked me in my room as I was playing.

  I feel like I don't even know the man that's on the opposite side of the country, but for different reasons then you may expect. He hasn't looked for me in a long time, and it's not that I want him too, it's just unusual.

  I stay sitting here, but I feel like a sitting duck. Against my better judgment, I turn around. The once beige carpet has dark red stains littering it. Felix stands at the feet of the man, while Hero stands towards the head- the mans head.

  "Jo, I told you to sit with your back to us." Hero says in a deep, angry tone. I roll my eyes. I know that he wants to protect me, but I feel like he forgot I can protect myself.

I extended my hand out to him. "Gun," I say but he doesn't respond. Felix looks at him, like he's waiting for the next move. The man groans on the carpet, I liked that carpet.

"No, Jo-" he tries to bargain but I cut him off. I don't think so.

"Give me the gun," I say and actually look at him with my slightly angry eyes. He hands it over and I put a sweet smile on my face. "Thank you," I say and walk over to the bleeding man on the floor.

I roll him off his side with my foot, looking at him with a sad smile. "Where is it?" I ask, and he just coughs at first before opening his eyes.

"Wheres what?" He groans and I keep the smile on my face. It's... creepy in a way. Just like I was taught.

"Oh, I think you know. Trust me," I say and get slightly closer to his face and whisper, "You don't want me to repeat it." I back up and he puts a weird smile on his face.

"What are you gonna do?" He asks and it pisses me off. So he wants to play it that way, gladly.

I laugh a bit and I hear Hero getting a little restless behind me. He needs to chill the fuck out before I make him. "You think a woman can't do a mans job? You'd be surprised," I say and place the gun to his temple.

"I'm not telling you shit," he says and I laugh again, pulling the trigger slightly to have the gun make a noise and psych him out. His eyes flash with fear before returning to normal. Perfect.

"It's either you keep your intelligence and die, or keep your brain and live. I suggest choosing fast," I say and he looks up at me.

"I wanna keep both," he whines like a bitch and I shake my head.

"Too bad you only get one. Intelligence or brain. Times running out," I say and he takes a deep breath and looks up at me.

"It's the storage container on Third Avenue between the jeweler and the French bakery," he rushes out and I turn back to look at Hero who nods.

"It was nice doing business with you," I say and short him right in the head.

"Jo, what the hell?!" Felix yells and I turn around to them.

"What? The carpet was dirty anyway," I say and walk over to Hero, placing the gun in his hand. "Next time just fuck them up with a gun. No one needs you to beat them half to death, or ruin my carpet," I say in a annoyed tone.

"I'll get you another one baby," he says softly and kisses my head. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... I gotta run some errands so I'll be back," I say and without another word I leave them.

I always thought that people could change. The good can turn bad and bad can turn good. And recently I've been thinking it's true. Maybe I'm finally becoming the bad guy my dad always wanted me to be.

I buy the few groceries we need and make my way to the small post office. Hero gets his mail sent there so I might as well pick it up.

I walk in and everything goes as it normally does. The girl asks for my name and Hero's name. She takes way too long to find each letter. I rethink my life choices and how I much rather be dead then here sometimes. I think about my past traumas and how too much of it haunts me. She gives me everything and I finally leave.

As I'm walking out, I hear a girl from behind me. "Wait! You dropped something!" She says, and I turn to see her sprinting toward me. "You're Josephine right?" She asks and I nod.

She hands me the letter and I quickly look down at it. "I don't think..." I say but trial off when I see my father's family crest at the top.

"Don't tell Hero," she says and my eyes snap up. So she's not from here? I should've gotten that from how she's dressed.

"What-? I don't understand," I simply say and she looks down at the letter and then back at my face. Weird, and kinda creepy.

"Don't tell him you got it, don't tell him about me, don't tell him what it says," is all she says and I shake my head.

"But why? I need to understand why," I urge and she giggles a little creepily.

"Because bad things will happen Jo. I know where you live. I know when you both sleep and when you're both awake. I know everything. I wouldn't want to... you know, hurt him while you're on your usual grocery run," she says and I do my best to keep a calm look on my face.

"I won't tell anyone..." I say and she smiles like a normal person and nods.

"Lovely, see you around," is all she leaves me with before walking away and leaving me in the middle of the street. Not only confused, but extremely concerned.

What the hell could be in that letter?

Authors Note!🖤

Look at me finally thinking of some kind of plot point lmao

I'll post something tomorrow I promise lmao

Hope you enjoyed!
See you in the next one!

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