Chapter 24: Blood in the Water

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Jos outfit above^^^
A few hours later
Jo's POV

"Jo let's go!" Hero yells from the bottom of the stairs. I look at my outfit in the mirror, barely recognizing myself but it works for tonight.

  I adjust the skirt one last time before walking out of my room. "Jo-! Holy fuck," Hero says once he sees me. His pupils blow out and I do a little spin for him once I reach the bottom of the stairs.

  "Do you like it?" I ask, trying to not let the redness creep into my cheeks.

  He swallows and nods, seemingly wordless at first. He eventually clears his throat and nods more vigorously. "Oh- uh.. yeah.... you're not wearing that," but of course when words finally do come to him, they're idiotic.

  "I'm wearing it, you can't tell me what to wear," I tell him and start to walk past him. He grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. He has an absolute iron grip and I stumble back a bit.

  "Go change," he says somewhat angrily. I haven't seen him like this in a long time. Not since he choked the hell out of me.

  "Hero let go of me," I say firmly but that doesn't seem to do anything. His grip gets tighter and I look at his hand and back up to his face.

  "I said go fucking change!" He yells and I feel the tears brimming my eyes from the pain. A natural reaction, but one that I hopes knocks him back into his senses.

  "Hero you're hurting me..." I choke out and whatever flips inside of him makes him immediately let go of my arm and the color rush back to his face. I didn't even realize how pale he was.

  "I'm... fuck Jo I'm so sorry," he says and I nod, hugging him. I don't know what's wrong with him, and I don't know entirely what's going on in that brilliant mind of his, but I do know one thing for sure.

He needs to be loved, not feared.

And I'll take that responsibility everyday.

  "Let's go," I say softly and he nods. I take his hand, and feel the warmth rush back into his body. He starts walking and I tug him back, pulling him down and kissing him.

  "I really am sorry Jo..." he whispers in the small place between us.

  A smile breaks onto my lips and I kiss him again. "I know, and I like it better when you call me princess," I giggle and he nods.

  "Okay then princess, let's go," he says and takes his now fully warm hand in mine as we walk out.

  As per usual, the walk to the strip is long, and kinda of irritating but it's weird that I'm sorta used to it by now. Hero keeps me close, and I have a feeling it's gonna be like this the entire night. I don't blame him though... just the memories of last time send shivers down my spine.

  "I would prefer if you didn't drink so I wouldn't have to carry your drunk ass home," I laugh and he looks back at me smiling before returning his gaze in front of him. "Also, tell me everywhere you're going. I need to know at all times princess, promise me you'll do that," he says and I nod.

  "I promise," I say and finally see the strip in sight. It takes us like 10 minutes to get there, and Hero has his iron grip back on my hand as we walk in. Making sure no one takes me or tries touching me.

Everyone knows I'm his.

I love the sound of that.

  We go up to the V.I.P section like always and go behind the third curtain. I see the normal guys, Felix, Morgan, Jack, Greyson, and Nolan. There's a new guy sitting there and Hero keeps me close.

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