Chapter 22: Aku Cinta Kamu

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Jo's POV

I know I'm in a car, and my head is on Hero's lap but honestly my tension span is little to none right now.

  "I'll do anything for you princess. Don't forget that," he whispers in my ear. I nod and bury my head into his lower stomach, reaching up and finding his hand. He takes mine and I squeeze his slightly.

  I can't describe what I'm feeling other then it feels like I'm dying. I don't know why, but I just feel like I'm dying. I've been close to death before and even then I knew I wasn't gonna die, but right now... right now I'm not so sure.

  "Hero," I say into his stomach and he keeps playing with my hair a bit. I can tell he's nervous, just by the way his body slightly tensed when I said his name and how his hands have the smallest shake to them.

  "Yes princess?" He asks softly and I try to sit up. He helps me, and I lean against him.

  "Can we get McDonald's?" I ask softly, batting my eyelashes. "You don't have that on the strip and I really want good chicken nuggets and I haven't eaten in a really look time," I say and hold on his arm tightly.

"Yeah, of course," he says to me and I look to see Felix changing the directions on the GPS. I climb into his lap, straddling him and laying my head on his chest.

  Safe, a feeling I haven't felt since I was taken by my father. I didn't even realize that this is what it felt like to be safe before then. It's when your with someone or a group of people and just know that they'd help you get out of anything. Hero would get me out of anything and then get me McDonald's after so it's a plus.

  I must be pouting on his chest because he kisses the top of my head and goes down to my ear, "Whats wrong?" I look up at him and capture his lips with mine. This is the first time we're really kissing after everything, and the first time I feel completely awake. It's like an electric current is running through me and I don't want it to stop.

"Nothing... I just missed you," I say and lean my head back on his chest. He smiles against my head, and I know he missed me too so I don't need him to say it.

Felix pulls into the McDonald's drive thru and Hero tells him what I want as I play with some of the rings on his hand. One ring, two rings, three rings, "Why do you have so many rings?" I ask and I look up at him, surely doe eyed since I'm just curious.

"How about after you eat and we go home I'll tell you, how does that sound love?" He asks and I nod, continuing to play with them but not asking any further. I wonder how many skeletons these simple rings have.

About an hour later

"Princess... princess you gotta wake up," I hear Hero whisper and I rub the sleepiness out of my eyes.

"Where are we?" I yawn out and he helps me sit up better. I look around and see woods. Just trees everywhere.

"We're back at the house, Felix is gonna bring your food and I'm gonna bring you inside. You wanna go to the kitchen or your bed to eat?" He asks me and I look at him.

"Bed please," I say and he chuckles, getting out of the car before helping me out. He picks me up and I giggle into his chest.

"Okay princess, as you wish," he says and I relax my body into him. He carries me up the stairs, and he must've told Felix to microwave my food because I hear the microwave going off. Or I could just be going crazy again.

"Can you stay with me?" I ask, pushing my lip out a bit and giving him the full puppy dog eyes affect.

"I... yeah," he gives in almost immediately and takes his shirt off. He helps both of us under the covers and I smile as he holds me in front of him. Felix knocks on the door and then enters. "It's not like you to knock man," Hero says and Felix chuckles, putting the tray on the bed.

"I wanted to make sure the two of you weren't fucking," I giggle at that statement and Hero buries his head in my shoulder.

"Of course, now shoo before we do start fucking," he warns and Felix is out of the room faster then the flash.

"Nuggets!" I yell excitedly as I put one in my mouth. I moan at the taste of food again. Honestly, I could give a fuck if I sound like a five year old, I'm starving and I'm with the person I care about most in the world. So I'm happy.

Oh my god what did I just think.

I'm too out of it to think more into it.

But oh my god.

"You're adorable baby, but I know soon enough you'll be back to beating my kneecaps because your too short to reach anything else," he chuckles and I pout, sipping the water that's on the tray.

"I'm sorry you're a giraffe and I can't reach anymore," I laugh and he laughs into my back. I quickly finish eating all 20 of the nuggets and large fry. I do have to hit Hero's hand away a few times because he keeps trying to eat them.

He puts the tray on the floor and gets back in bed with me. I cuddle against him and he gently takes my wrists, scowling at the burn marks on them. "They'll go away..." I say softly and he starts kissing all around my wrists.

"I know, I want you to feel better now though," he tells me and I pull him closer.

"Then I wanna sleep," I say and I feel him chuckle against me. I rest my head on his chest and smile at the feeling of his warmth which I missed so much.

Just as sleep is about to take over me, I hear Hero say something. "I love you," but it was so quiet that I'm convinced I was imagining it and let the sleep consume me.

Authors Note!🖤

Sorry it's kinda a short part, I'm kinda tired lol


Hope you enjoyed!
See you in the next one!

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