Chapter 18: Always Waiting for the Next Bad News

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Jo's POV
10 minutes later...

I keep thinking that maybe something different will happen if I continue the same actions. That's complete bullshit but it's what I've been thinking for the past 15 years at least.

"Shit," I mutter as I turn the stove off, frowning at the now burnt toast on the pan. Of all the things Hero doesn't own, he doesn't own a fucking toaster.

I hear his heavy steps come down the stairs as I keep frowning at the burnt toast. He has a towel in his hand, drying off his wet hair from the shower he took. He tried to get me to take one with him, but I knew we'd just end back in bed and I know he has work to do.

"What happened here princess?" He asks, my cheeks getting a rosy pink color in them at the endearment. Princess, something he's been calling me since everything happened. It's like he changed the creepy word that is darling to now something that makes me happy. Development I guess.

"You don't own a fucking toaster, that's what happened," I say, laughing and before I can pick the pan up to throw the gross toast away, his arms wrap around my waist and his head rests on my shoulder.

"How'd you burn it? You were standing right here," he chuckles and I sigh, relaxing back into him.

"I was in my head," I mumble and he pulls back slightly so he can turn me around to face him.

"What do you mean by that?" He asks softly and I rest my head on him. "Come on, look at me princess," he says so I pull back and look into those beautiful eyes of his. The outer ring is normally green but right now you can barely see it. Right now they're mostly black because of how dilated his eyes have become.

"I was just... I don't know I'm scared things are gonna start going down hill..." I confess but I feel extremely vulnerable from saying how I feel. I can't meet his eyes, if I did I'm scared I'm gonna start crying. I keep my head buried in his chest.

I hate that the thought losing him already makes me wanna cry. That's not okay, and it scares me to my core.

"Hey, look at me," he says softly, making me look up at him. "I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to you, okay?" He says and I shake my head at him.

"But what if something bad does happen..." I whisper and he shakes his head, kissing my lips.

"I'll protect, no matter what I'll protect you," he tells me and I nod, resting my head on him again.

"The toast is burned," I pout and he chuckles, kissing the top of my head.

"How about I make us some eggs and new toast?" He asks softly and I nod, leaning up and kissing his jaw a bit. "Unless you don't wanna eat I suggest you stop," he tells me and I giggle.

"Is someone getting hot and bothered?" I giggle and he picks me up, placing me on the counter.

He goes over to the fridge and gets the eggs, milk and some cheese, then gets the bread from the other counter that I left it on. I keep watching him, firstly thinking of how fucking hot he is. I can't keep down the fact that I find him attractive, and I think he finds me attractive too.

Secondly, I think of how he probably hates me. Now he's gonna hate me because I'm probably gonna make him late. The sound of the eggs hitting the pan takes me out of my thoughts.

"Princess," I hear his voice say and he turns the heat down so he can come closer to me. My eyes meet his and he moves in between my legs. "Something is up that you're not tell me," he says, calling me out on my bullshit.

  "Do you hate me?" I ask softly and he looks at me confused. "I've only made your life harder... and now I'm gonna make you late for work..." I trail off and he kisses my lips softly.

  "You making me late for work won't make me hate you, trust me. I know that's how it used to be with you dad, but not me, okay? I'm basically a boss around here so no one can get mad at me." I nod and then kiss him again.

  I smile as he goes back to making us breakfast, and before I know it, it's all done. He hands me my plate and I smile, giving him a kiss after, which makes him blush.

  "So... what do you even have to do for work anyway?" I ask before shoving some delicious cheesy-scrambled eggs into my mouth. A moan slips past my lips from how good it tastes.

  His eyes watch me carefully. I love the way I feel when his eyes are on me but the way he's looking at me right now makes me feel... I don't know, weird guess.

  "Oh, just... tracking certain things or certain people. It depends on the job really," he slowly says, like he doesn't wanna give away too much on what he does.

  I nod and eat a piece of the toast he made for us. I don't get it, he even made plain old toast taste amazing. We keep chatting and all too soon he says that he needs to leave for work.

  "Can we get something to eat tonight?" I giggle softly as he about to step out the door.

  He chuckles and brings me closer to him, kissing me like it's the last time he'll see me. "We can do whatever you want princess," he tells me softly and I nod, kissing him again. "I'll miss you," he whispers and my cheeks instantly become a very dark shade of pink.

  "I'll miss you more," I confess and his smile widens. With one last kiss, he leaves me alone in this big ass house.

  After I finish the cleaning I know I have to do, I realize I need to buy a few things from the store. I get dressed in more appropriate clothing and grab some money before I'm out the door.

  I walk all the way to the strip, going to the grocery store that I went to last time. I know we need more toothpaste, and we definitely need paper towels. I'm in the toothpaste aisle when someone knocks into me.

  "I'm so sorry," they say and I bend down to help them pick up what they dropped.

  "It's no worries, let me help," I smile and collect a few things before placing it in the girls arms. She looks up at me and smiles a bit.

  "Thank you so much, I do that a lot and no one helps," she chuckles and I nod. Right as I'm about to get up, she grabs my arm.

  "What the hell are you-?" I start asking before she stabs something right into my neck. From the sensation, I know I'm not dying, which is ultimately a good thing.

  After a quick process of elimination of what she could've put in me, I realize she drugged me. I fight the urge to shut my eyes but as my body goes numb, I can't help it. The tiredness that was forced upon me sets in and my eyes close, absorbing the darkness.

A few hours later...

  The light blinds me as I open my eyes. Three bright bulbs shining right at my face as squint so I can see properly.

  I hear large, demanding footsteps from behind me. Who the hell wants me now? I know in some way Joseph or whatever the hell is name is was taken care of, so who's this?

  The light is moved out of my face and it takes me a minute to recognize the figure that is standing in front of me.

My father.

Authors Note!🖤

Sorry this is coming out kinda late, I also have a live hate relationship with this part lol

Hope you enjoyed!
See you in the next one!

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