Chapter 7: Let's All Go To The Bar

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^^Jos outfit!^^
Jo's POV
A couple minutes later...

I pull at the rubbery material to try to loosen it, but when it shoots back and hits my skill, I such in a sharp breath at the subtle sting. There wasn't much in the closet, a sweater or two, a few crop tops that has holes in very interesting places. This is the only set that matched, and I'm instantly regretting putting it on.

  They're both the same color blue, and the same latex material that I hate. The top barely holds my boobs in, and the bottoms barely hold my ass. It cuts right in the middle of my thigh. This is gonna be a fun night.

  My hand grazes over my neck. In such a short amount of time it has managed to bruise. It's not like I can cover it with a scarf, who even knows, I might not be able to cover it with makeup. Honestly, I can't get his eyes out of my head. They weren't normal. His pupils were like small grains of salt until he got what he wanted.

It was terrifying.

  He broke me though, so if that was his mission then he succeeded. I haven't been scared in a long time but deep down I felt it. I felt that feeling of wanting to run or fight, normally I don't have an option.

  I need shoes now though. One issue at a time. I go over to the closet again and go to the bottom drawer. I'm guessing that's where the shoes are unless he wants me to go fucking barefoot. Different sets of bras and underwear are laid out for me, or for whoever was here next.

  I search the room, and find that there's boxes of shoes under the bed, so one by one I take the boxes out and search for nude heels, it feels like forever until I find the right pair, so I slip them on.

  I don't want to go downstairs to face him, I don't want to deal with whatever I'm going to deal with tonight. I go to grab a bag, but realize I don't have anything to put in it. In the mirror I make my hair as good as possible, smoothing out any bumps in my hair as I put it up with the hair tie I already had in my hair from before. I keep trying to stall whatever time I have left.

Hero's POV

  I got dressed in a few minutes, nothing special just the white button down shirt and black dress pants. This club doesn't care what women wear, fuck they could wear nothing with all they care. For men, they make us dressed up for a fun night out.

  Tonight is not about fun though, tonight is about showing her why she should be scared. I make my way downstairs, deciding it better to wait for her there. When I pass her room, I hear silence, like she isn't doing anything. I fight the urge to go in there to see what she's doing, but I also know that she can very well kill me with the desk lamp so I decide against it.

  I go down to the kitchen, looking in the fridge to see what can be something that can feed both of us. I need her to go shopping tomorrow, but that's tomorrow. Right now I need to focus on today. I find some eggs I can make, so I take them out of the fridge. With the pan now on the stove top, a small piece of butter placed in the center and is now melting. I crack the egg and listen to it sizzle in the pan.

  What the fuck is taking her so long? All she had to do was make herself look presentable. I crack another egg and start to scramble them, especially since it's easier. I think back to what happened earlier...

"You're not just a girl, and you know you've never been just a girl. Your father is the most respected crime boss, your father practically owns the east coast-" I start telling her but she cuts me off. I try to push down the anger that is rising in me but it's so hard... so damn hard. But who does this little bitch think she is anyway? Cutting me off like I'm just a pawn in a game. I don't fucking think so.

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