Chapter 5: Day of Wrath

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Jo's POV
Still on the plane...

My eyes flutter open and I groan as I try to move my hands apart. My eyes take a minute to adjust to the light but once they do I notice I'm on... a plane?

Thinking back on the last how many hours I keep trying to think of how I got to this point. I just go back to the balcony, we were talking and then there was something over my mouth... after that I was out.

I look around, trying to take in my surroundings. "Looks who's finally awake," one of them say and I look over at him, disorientated. I recognize the face, but he's not the guy I've been talking too this entire time.

"Come on man, give her a minute," a familiar voice says. I turn my head a bit and look at him. The light feels like it's burning through me, so I lean my head back, breathing a bit.

"What... what happened?" I stupidly ask, my voice a bit raspy. I mean I know what happened... but I mean in general I guess.

"Don't worry about it," he says and I try not to roll my eyes. Especially since I'm not in a place where I should be saying fuck you every chance I get.

  I sigh a bit and roll my neck so it crack, relieving some of the pressure. "Well where are we going then?" I ask and I get a deathly glare at me.

  "Like I said, don't worry about it," I'm told once again and this time I do roll my eyes. "You got a problem?" I'm asked and I'm slightly distracted by his British accent. All of them I've notice have British accents. God what's wrong with me.

"No, but I would like to know where we're going," I state and he puts the gun to my head. I stare at him, is this shit supposed to scared me? I mean I've seen worse, I've been through worse. This is child's play. "I would at least like to know your name," I say and he pushes the barrel into my head more. I stay unmoving, but also unaffected by his actions.

"Maybe is iustus non esset melius nisi prius occidit eam," Maybe it would be better if we just killed her already. Says the one who spoke right as I woke up.

"Is would exsisto facillimus non ego sum tui leverage," It wouldn't be easier, I'm your leverage, I answer for the guy who is holding a gun to my head. The other guy looks down at me and I smile, then he looks at his trigger happy friend.

"I told you she understood us," he says and the other one rolled his eyes.

"That's inconvenient," he oh-so helpfully states.

"No shit man," the one holding the gun says.

"Well you all seem to know shit about me, so tell me something about you. Let's start with names." I say and smirk a bit at the gun holder.

"Hero," the gun holder says and puts it away from my head.

"Felix," the asshole says and looks away from me.

"Morgan," I hear from behind me. "The other people are asleep," he says and I nod.

"Hero... what am I interesting name for a kidnapper," I say and he shakes his head.

"Nothing more out of that mouth of yours," he says, gripping my chin and then letting go.

"Οτιδήποτε, μαλάκα," Whatever, asshole. I mumble in Greek, hoping these imbeciles don't understand it.

"Κοίτα, χρησιμοποιώντας ξανά το στόμα," Look at you, using that mouth again, Hero says and I look up at him. Shit.

"I don't know what the fuck you two are saying but it's making my head spin," Felix says and I look over at him.

"Oh nothing, Josephine was just going against orders. Weren't you darling," I try not to cringe at the fake endearment and roll my eyes at him.

"I have more languages in my head that I can start muttering in you know," I say and he scoffs at me. "I can talk to you now. Only you since they won't know what we're saying." I tell him and his eyes widen a bit as if it's this something new to him. He has to be kidding me if he didn't realize that.

I look over a Felix, drinking out of the flask. "I have a question Hero," I say and he groans, squatting down to my level.

"Go on darling," he says with a smirk and I give him a disgusted look.

"Is he the drunk of the group because he won't stop drinking," I say nodding my head to Felix. This pisses him off and he stands up, taking his gun from the table and aiming it at me.

"If you won't shut her up I will," he threatens and I smirk.

"She's just messing with you man," Hero says and I keep the smirk on my face.

"I told you in the restaurant, she isn't afraid of anything," Felix says and I nod.

"He's right for once. Try growing up with my dad and see where that gets you. I'm surprised I'm not in a mental hospital by now," I say and Hero glares at me. "Awe, is that I tough spot?" I say in a baby voice and he pushes Felix out of the way.

He wraps his hand around my neck tightly, squeezing it so it's cutting off my air supply. I try to act like it's not affecting me but I feel my head getting hazy.

"Not so tough now are we?" He says in a mocking tone and I keep my stance.

"Kill me already..." I choke out and this seems to catch him by surprise because he lets go of me for a second before grabbing my neck again, surly leaving bruises. When he let go, I was able to get more air.

"What?" He asks, still shocked that I said that.

"You're gonna do anyway... so kill me," I say, still with as raspy voice. He looks into my eyes as I look into his and comes closer to my face.

"Don't mention my family ever again, understand? Nothing about how I grew up better or worse. Nothing about my parents, none of it. Understand?" He says and I nod. "I can't hear you," he grabs my neck tighter.

"Yes," I say and he finally lets go of my neck. I start coughing and lean my head back as in trying to breathe. I want to ask for water but I don't feel like getting murdered today, or choked until I'm almost dead again.

I start looking up and think of what I rather be doing right now. Literally anything. I just wish I knew where I was going... but beggars can't be choosers. Beggars often end up dead.

I turn my head a bit to see Hero. He looks like he's trying to sleep or something and he seems... peaceful to say the least. Who knew a dangerous man could look so at ease.

"Water?" Someone says to me, but based on the voice it's Morgan. I nod and he puts the cup to my lips, letting me sip some until I pull my head back. "I'm sorry for doing this... strict orders from my boss," he tells me and I don't know what he's doing until he pulls a cloth out and puts it over my mouth.

I don't struggle this time, instead, I breath in the air from the cloth and let my eyes close peacefully.

Authors Note!🖤

I was gonna do Salvatores POV but I didn't like how it was turning out so maybe next part!❤️

Hope you enjoyed!
See you tomorrow for Loving You!

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