Chapter 31: Echoes

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Hero's POV




You can't do this to me, you can't let me leave her alone. She'll think I left on purpose, she'll think I hate her.

I wish I drowned so she could save me again. I wish she could pull me up and punch my chest until oxygen was brought back into my lungs. Just so I could evade death once again.

But instead I was drowning in blood.

I'm looking over my body as I lay there, truly lifeless for the very last time. I look to see someone standing over my body, but not just anyone. It was Felix.

"Help him! Don't shut down now, fucking help him!" Morgan yells and runs to my bleeding body. He plugs the wound and I watch Felix instead. He puts a gun away, trying to be subtle.

He killed me.

"He's gone man..." Felix tells him but Morgan doesn't stop.

"He can't be gone. We're absolutely fucked if he's gone," Morgan yells and looks behind him when he hears a loud scream.


She pulls herself from Jacks arms, who's trying to keep her back. She runs over to me and her hands and her knees quickly get covered in my blood as she kneels down to touch me.

"No, no you promised you wouldn't go! You said it was too dangerous!" She yells as tears stream down her face. Morgan continues to do everything to get me back, but I know nothing can bring me back.

Jo looks up though, she looks up at Felix who is just watching. She knows something is up, so her eyes scan his body and lands on his fingers. "You son of a bitch!" She yells and gets up, stepping over me and throwing herself at him.

"Jo!" Morgan yells and Jack takes it as his time to pull her off of Felix. She keeps punching him, not letting up to any extent.

Jack finally gets her body off of Felix as she thrashes in his arms. Felix's face is full of blood now, and he's groaning. "What was that about?" Jack asks and she gets herself out of his grip.

"He killed him! That son of a bitch killed Hero!" She cries and Jacks face goes pale.

"How do you know that?" Morgan asks, still trying to tend to my wounds.

"There's gun powder on his fingers...he put a gun away when we got here. Hero is dying because of a bullet wound... he murdered Hero," she says, her voice cracking as she drops to her knees and falls apart.

I jolt myself away, rubbing my eyes and feeling exactly how sweaty I am. Jo's sitting next to me, looking at me with this adorable expression on her face, but she's clearly worried.

"That son of a bitch killed Hero!"

I get out of bed abruptly and she holds my hand. "What's going on baby?" She asks me softly and I kiss her hand.

"I'm fine..." I say and try to walk away again but she pulls me back toward her.

"You haven't been fine since this afternoon... you can't hold it all in, it's only gonna make it worse," she tells me, resting her hands on my shoulders as she now sits up on her knees.

I move some hair from her beautiful face as I sigh. "Sometimes I hate when my Princess is right," I mumble and she giggles, kissing my cheek. I love the smile on her... not the broken face I keep seeing in my dreams.

"Talk to me baby," she says and I sit back on the bed. I need her closer to me to make myself feel better so I pull her on my lap and she leans her head on my shoulder.

"I keep dreaming of dying... And not just dying but Felix killing me. Somehow you always realize it's him, and you always beat the shit out of him for it. That's not what makes me... makes me so sad. It's seeing your face after you tell everyone he killed me. How you drop to your knees that are covered in my blood and breaking down crying." I explain and let her wipe the tear off my cheek.

"I'm sorry you have to go through that every night..." she whispers and kisses my cheek. I pull her closer and take on her scent. Fresh lavender like always.

"The absolutely worst part is when you yell saying how I promised you I wouldn't go because it was too dangerous," she sucks in a breath and I shake my head. Tears run down my cheeks and I realize how vulnerable I am. I don't care though, she knows I need this.

"Hero..." she whispers and I kiss her to silence her.

"I will never leave when I say I won't, I promise," I say and she takes my head in her hands, nodding.

"Let's go take a shower, you're covered in sweat," she says softly and I nod. She takes my hand and brings me into the bathroom. She sits me on the closed toilet and leaves the room to get our stuff.

When she comes back, she starts the water and helps me undress first and then I help her. Once out clothes are put in the hamper, we both go into the shower.

"I'm happy you told me," she says softly and I smile down at her. It's not a large smile, but it's good for now. "I know that must've been hard for you," she says and I nod. "I'm always here for you baby, no matter what," I kiss her after she says that. It warms my heart that unlike most people she didn't judge me, she cared about me.

"I know Princess, thank you," I smile and she kisses me again. She reaches behind me and grabs the loofah and the shower gel.

"Turn around you giant so I can wash your back first," she giggles so I do. She turns me around and starts rubbing it on my chest, clearly getting distracted by the tattoos I have. "I've never noticed all the details..." she says and then looks at one of the few that's on my arm.

There's a new one there that she probably doesn't know about. It's a lavender, because they smell like her. Her thumb grazes over it and I wince a little. Her eyes shoot up to me and I smile.

"It's still healing a little..." I say softly and her smile becomes bigger.

"Is that for me?" She asks and I nod. It's next to all the ones that hold the most importance to me. The ones for my family, and her. "I love it like I love you," a blush creeps onto her cheeks and I kiss them.

I take the loofah from her hand and start washing her body. "You're beautiful baby, I love you too," I say softly and go back to washing her body, trying my hardest not to get distracted.

Authors Note!🖤

Hey! I wanted to write something kinda cute lol

I also just kinda wanted to address one of my one-shots that I posted a while ago (I'm gonna write more soon don't worry) but the one I want to address is called Listen Before I Go. Yes, it's based on the Billie Eilish song but I'm so sorry it that triggered anyone. The topic is extremely heavy and when I went to reread it I couldn't get through all of it and started crying. I'm actually contemplating on taking that on down so yeah

Hope you enjoyed this part!
See you in the next one!

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