Chapter 32: I Am Become Death

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Jo's POV
A couple of years ago

Another fucking meeting.

I feel like this is the seventh meeting this week, fuck it, the seventh meeting today. "Why are you dragging me in here again?" I ask and sigh softly, looking at my dad.

  "Well I think you should be in here for this one," he states and I roll my eyes before someone comes in. Like normal they fight it out, except this time my dad comes onto the other side of the desk.

  "You shouldn't of crossed me, end of story," he says and takes the guys head and snaps his neck. I watch in horror at what my dad just did. He... he killed him. He fucking killed him.

  "What the fuck?!" I yell and try to go over to the man but my dad stops me. "Dad he's dead," I say and he shakes his head.

  "Let him be dead then," he states and I stand there as he walks over the body and to the door. He stops in front of the door and turns to me. "I am become death, destroyer of worlds," he recites to me and I look up at him.

  "Don't quote Oppenheimer to me..." I say and he shrugs slightly.

  "One day, you'll become death too," he says and walks out of the room, leaving me alone with the body and my thoughts.

Present day

Why am I here again?

Right, because Hero wanted me to help get information out of some of their prisoners. Why I'm relevant doesn't make sense to me but I guess I'll help him.

What's the harm?

I walk through the stoned hallway full of cells with Hero at my side, Felix leading the way, and Morgan behind me. "So what's my job again?" I ask and Hero looks down at me as we reach the door.

"We have a sheet of questions for you to ask and if they threaten your life, you kill them." He says bluntly and I sigh softly before nodding.

"You're giving her Jacobs?" Felix asks in disbelief as he looks down at the file.

"It's worth a shot." Hero states and turns to me again. "Julien Jacobs has been the hardest person of all the cells to crack. If things get way too out of hand, don't worry baby because we're watching okay?" Hero says and I nod.

"Let the games begin, shall we?" Morgan says and I chuckle slightly, nodding.

They let me through a second door where Julien sits. I take the file and sit across from him at the table. "Wow they brought a pretty one in this time," he says and I give a small smile.

"I take it you've been here before?" I ask and he just nods. I quickly read through the file and notice that he's mentioned my dad quite a lot. Interesting. He's also a hit man, just lovely. "Let's start then. A pretty simple question I wanna know is what got you locked up here?" I ask and he chuckles a bit.

"Killed a few of their gang members and Hero wasn't too happy about it," he says and I chuckle.

"Hero's never too happy when it comes to his gang is he?" I ask and he laughs a little more.

"I like you, you got a sense of humor," he tells me and I shrug.

"Just doing my job," I simple say and look down at my papers as if I don't know what I'm already gonna ask. "So why keep mentioning Salvatore Langford? What does he have to do with anything you've done?" I ask and he sits back, crossing his arms over his chest. There's chains on them, but they're kinda long.

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