Chapter 43: Crazy Lady

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^^Jos outfit in flashback^^
2 years ago; 11 pm
Jo's POV

"Flip him," I say and the guys just stare at me and I roll my eyes. "I said flip him you assholes. So flip him before I kill you instead of him," I say and they panic so they actually flip him.

"You don't know who the hell you're messing with," he spits at me and I laugh at him.

"Actually, you don't know who you're messing with. You probably don't even know who I am. And that's okay. What isn't okay is when you try to roofie my friend." I say and I step on his wrist with my heel.

"You're a crazy bitch, you know that?!" He yells and I smile down at him.

"Well I never claimed to be other wise," I say to him and press down harder with my heel. "You feel that? That's my heel digging into your vein. If I break skin and dig in it would look like a suicide. Wouldn't that be a shame?" I say with a smile plastered on my face.

  "Wouldn't daddy like that?" He says in a disgusted tone and I laugh a bit.

  "You think my dad is behind this? Noooo, oh god no he's gonna kill me when he finds out. This is all be, because I don't like it when my friends are roofied and almost get raped. You traumatized a girl today, you deserve this just as much as you think she deserved that," I say to him and press harder.

  "Get off of me you crazy bitch!" He yells and I smile.

  "No can do. I do hope someone can find your body though. Be a shame if you just sat here, rotting away." I say and smirk before pressing all the way down and popping his vein.

  One of the two guys gives me a napkin to wipe my shoes with and I make my way back into the club. I go back to our seats and I watch as Katherine shakes in our friend Heathers arms.

  "Don't worry about him anymore, it's taken care of," I tell them and Katherine widens her eyes at me.

  "Jo what did you do to him?" She asks frantically and I shake my head.

  "You shouldn't be worrying about that. He hurt you, don't feel pity for him," I say and she sighs. I look at our table and then at Katherine. "I'm gonna go get us all some club sodas, okay?" I ask softly and she nods.

  "Put some lime in it please," she says with a prominent pout and I smile softly, nodding. I make my way downstairs to the bar and someone pushes into me.

  "Δες το," Watch it, I mutter in Greek and the guy turns to be with a chuckle.

  "Ίσως πρέπει να το παρακολουθήσετε," Maybe you should watch it, he says back with a shrug. My eyes widen toward him.

  "You can understand me?" I ask and he comes closer. I get a better view of him in these dark club lights. He's tall, has green eyes I think, and brown hair. Oh my fuck he's the guy from the file.

  "Yes I can, little girl. You shouldn't be at the club, aren't you under aged?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

  "We're not drinking," I tell him. Maybe that's the problem, the snarky bitch in me says in my head.

  "You're walking toward a bar," he notes and I chuckle a bit.

  "I'm getting clubs sodas, so if you would excuse me," I say and walk past him until he grabs my arm.

  "Μην ξεχάσετε να παρακολουθείτε πάντα πού πηγαίνετε. Ποτέ μην ξέρετε ποιος κρύβεται στις σκιές." Don't forget to watch where you're going. You never know who's lurking in the shadows, he tells me and I look at him with widened eyes.

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