Chapter 3: Let the Dead Bury the Dead

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^^Jos Dress Above!^^
!!Minor abuse is in this part!!
Jo's POV
1 1/2 hours later...

  I'm about to go out my bedroom door, I need help tying the back and I know my mom can help me... that's when I hear her fighting with my dad.

  "What the hell is the matter with you, Salvatore?! You make her feel like she's nothing!" She yells at him and I internally cringe. Most people would be terrified to yell at my dad, but not mom. Mom has always been brave.

  "She needed to learn a lesson to respect me Jessalyn. I don't regret what I did." He says and I hear my mom laugh bitterly.

  "You killed someone on her! She was drenched in his blood!" She yells and then I hear a small gasp leave someone's lips, probably my mothers. "Do you want her to be afraid of you? Do you even know her..?" She asks him more quietly.

  I feel like when I was a kid, but at that point I didn't know what they were fighting about. They seem perfect until one of them gets mad.

  "I know her better then you. I know she wants to help out. That's why she's coming tonight," he says bitterly. "Josephine! Come on dear, we're gonna be late!" He yells and I take a moment before opening the door.

  "I just need help with my dress," I say and look at my mom. She looks absolutely beautiful... yet her face is broken.

  "I'll... I'll do it. The car is downstairs Salvatore," she says as she starts tying the back.

  "I want my daughter with me when we go downstairs. Shows her power, and not her weakness." He says, but I have a feeling that he doesn't care what anyone else thinks.

  This is his form of begging. He's just an asshole until he gets what he wants. It's fucking tiring.

  "She's my daughter too..." my mom mumbles and ties the bow. My fathers face flares before he grabs my mothers wrist and drags her into another room.

  I want to help, but my feet don't seem to move. This isn't normal... this... this isn't normal. The more I tell myself that, the more real it becomes. I just don't know anymore.

  I hear my moms muffled screams before I close my eyes, trying not to cry. When the door opens again, she's making sure her makeup isn't running and keeping that fake smile of hers on.

  "I'll meet you two downstairs," she says softly and I nod before watching her beautifully broken soul walk away from me.

  "Grab your bag and come into my office," he says so I do quickly. Knowing exactly what's gonna happen next.

He's gonna give me a gun.

In the car...

I sit there uncomfortably, knowing there's a handgun in my bag. I don't get how people sit here comfortably. I don't get how people have the ability to sit comfortably knowing they have the get to life or death in their hands. It's... unnerving to say the least.

My mom stares out the window, watching as we pass buildings every second. My dad looks at me and then down at my bag. It's like a dirty little secret that I'm trying to hide, but clearly doing a shitty job.

Well pull up to the Hotel and I sigh, getting out after my dad, my mom following behind. I hold my bag close to me, scared that it'll fall out or something.

My dad whispers something to someone I don't recognize and we're immediately brought to a dining room. It's dimly lit, but you can see everything going on. We're sat at a table, and my father does his friendly act of saying hello to some other gang members.

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