Chapter 29: The World Closing In

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Hero's POV

  After she asked me to stay, her eyes glazed over and she stayed staring at the water, unmoving except for when she blinked.

  "Baby?" I say softly and her eyes slowly come up to mine. Her eyes look like glass, perfectly constructed glass.

  "I know people have life worse then me... I know people have been through so much more, but him grabbing my neck..." she trails off and bites her bottom lip. She looks away from me, and I don't want to know why.

  "It took me back to one of the first days I was here... how you grabbed my neck, how I couldn't breathe..." she tells me softly and I struggle to remember, but in the end I do.

"Because you're more valuable then your mother, darling," I tell her but she shakes her head

"She knows most his secrets," I chuckle and put the beer bottle on the counter and go over to her. She seems more on edge now, exactly what I want.

"Yet, I feel as if you know more, darling," I inch closer and feel her eyes trained in me. As if she's studying me and I'll quiz her on it later. She frantically looks around and I watch her find a small knife. I grab her wrist and then her neck as a reflex. Keeping my hold on her neck lose and my hold on her neck tight, she grips the knife tighter.

I'm honestly getting sick of this black widow, "I'm not afraid of shit," persona she gives off. Be scared, just be fucking scared.

I watch as she makes no effort to drop the knife, so instead, I squeeze the sides of her neck. Her eyes water, but the hold on the knife doesn't let up.

"I suggest dropping the knife, darling," I says as the tears that have already filled her eyes fall down her cheeks. My grip becomes tighter, killing her, yet some part of me doesn't want her dead.

The knife drops and both of us watch as it goes near the counter, where no one can reach it. As the metal hits the floor, I let go of her neck. Whatever came over me is now gone, and I never want it to return.

A shiver corses through me and she licks her lips. "I've learned to be scared here," she says softly and my heart keeps breaking. "I've learned that no amount of training or ass beatings will prepare you for what's here." Her eyes were trained on the water until she looks up at me. "I don't know who Finn is, and now I don't want too, but he made a load of monsters," she finishes and a single year rolls down her face.

How do I respond to that? Finn is a big part in my life, he always has been since I joined this fucking gang. A long time ago I made myself promise myself that I wouldn't let my personal life, if I ever had one, interfere with my work life, but now it is.

"That means I'm a monster then too," I say barely above a whisper, but the quietness of the bathroom makes it seem louder.

"Sometimes," is all she says and I look at her eyes. They look like glass, as if any minute something will shatter them.

"I never want to hurt you," I say softly and a small smile comes on her face.

"You barely do anymore," she responds with in a even quieter tone. She truly is like fragile glass, all of her though, not just her eyes. She was raised around stone that were ready to break her.

"I know you said I can ask about anything, but I can't ask about your family... but you're gonna have to let me in at some point Hero... I'll tell you anything but it has to go both ways." She whispers and I look down at my lap.

  "They died," I say and I sense her head shoot up from looking down at the water.

  "Hero..." she whispered and I shake my head, looking up at her.

  "My parents were drug addicts. One day my dad was taking my brother and sister to a doctors appointment and got into a car accident because he was too high to function. My brother... he was ten, my sister was four..." I push my tears back and her wet hands hold my face.

  "You don't have to continue... I didn't know I'm sorry," she tells me but I hold her hands, shaking my head.

  "You deserve to know..." I say softly and she nods. "My mom died ultimately of an overdose. They tried to fix her and... they couldn't. I was eight." I bite my lip for a second and she nods. "I was put into foster home after foster hone until I met Felix. I started stealing peoples pain meds to get high and I just ended up living with Felix and his uncle. They gave me all the drugs I wanted at 15." I explain and she sighs softly.

  "What... what was the reason you were so sad at the hospital," she hesitantly asks me.

  "I have uh... I have bipolar one. Seeing you almost dead triggered a depressive episode because that's how I last saw my mom... and I have bad manic episodes too," I explain and she nods, as if it's all clear now.

  "That's why you strangled me... and started yelling when I wouldn't change," she says and I nod.

  "Being with you, it makes it so much better. You make me so much better," I say and rest my forehead against her before she softly kisses me.

  "Come in the bath please," she pouts and I chuckle, nodding. I reluctantly pull away from her and pull my clothes off before getting in behind her.

  The water is warm while her body is hot, both temperature wise and sexually. She lays her head on my shoulder with her eyes closed. Never in a million years would I think I would be here, with the person I love. I didn't think I was able to love, yet here I am.

  I start planting kisses on her neck and listen as small gasps leave her lips, slowly turning into low moans. "Hero..." she moans out softly and she turns her head to look at me. Her lips attach to mine as she takes my hand, bringing it down and starting to rub her.

  Her moans become louder and her small hand wraps around me before pumping me slowly, teasingly. "Fuck baby," I groan when our lips part and she moves away from me to turn her body around. She straddles my lap and wraps her arms around my neck.

  "I'm all yours baby, I'm not going anywhere," she smirks and I nod. I start kissing her neck as she grinds against me. Our moans fill up the bathroom until she pulls her neck away from me and lifts her body up. She positions herself correctly and slides down on me.

  I groan as a loud moan escapes her lips, taking in all the pleasure I can offer her. She rolls her hips for a whiles before bouncing slowly. It gets to a point where I can tell she can't hold off her high anymore and starts bouncing like crazy, not caring if water get out of the bath tub or not.

  "Fuck baby, I'm so close," she moans into my mouth before kissing me. I smile against her lips and snake my hand between us and start rubbing her clit. Her lips move away from mine as she moans loudly, letting herself go without a warning.

  After a few more thrusts I let myself go and she leans on my chest. Our breathing is heavy and unconsciously synchronized.

  "I think we should go take a shower," I suggest, out of breath.

  "Yeah," she giggles and I hold her close, pulling the plug out of the drain before lifting her up and carrying her to the shower as she giggles.

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