Chapter 34: A Hard Pill to Swallow

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Jo's POV

It hurts.

It's a shooting pain up my leg, telling me that I can't run. Or if I do run, I'll literally break my leg open until I bleed out and die.

Dying seems like the better option right now.

I rub my eyes and whine softly as I wake up from the deepest sleep I've been in since I was in the hospital last time. I always sleep with one eye open, metaphorically of course.

"Hey baby," Hero says, his voice raspy and slightly deeper then normal. I wince and turn to look up at him.

"Hi," I say softly and feel the tears well in my eyes.

"It hurts doesn't it baby?" He asks me and I nod. He kisses my lips ever so softly until he gets off the bed and hits the nurses button. I pout when he gets up, but he leans over and kisses me. "I'm not supposed to be in the bed baby," he laughs and I nod.

The nurses come in and does whatever nurses do to make the pain go away, because it does go away. At some point.

  I lay there and feel the drugs fill my system and everything gets hazy. I want to run, I want to hide, I want to get away from whatever is going into my system because of the memories it brings. And the nightmares.

  In the haze I'm in I look at my arms and try to rip the IV out. "Woah, woah, babe what are you doing?" Hero asks, clearly scared of something, but I keep clawing at the IV patch.

  "I need to get it out," I say, probably slurring, but Hero grabs my arm and stops me. I look up at him and pout, "Let me out," I say and he looks at me confused.

  "Babe, what's going on?" He asks and I feel like I'm spinning. Round and round until I lay back on the pillow.

  "A lot more then you realize," I say softly, and it feels like the first clear thing I've said in a few hours. His face contorts into a confused sadness and I grab his arm softly. "It's okay, everything is gonna be okay. I'll explain it all when... when I wake up," I promise and watch Hero's face fall as I fall asleep.

Hero's POV

She said she needed to get out.

Why does she need to get out?

  My mind is running a million miles a minute as I walk out of her hospital room and past the lobby. Felix shoots up from his seat. "Hero what the hell-" I hear Felix say before he tells Morgan to go watch Jo in case anyone tries to take her or something.

  "Can I see the file of Josephine Langford?" I ask a bit frantically. They have to have her medical files transferred from the East Coast, right?

"Hero..." I hear Felix say and the nurse looks at Felix before standing up and going to get the file. "What are you looking for?" Felix asks and I turn to him.

  "She kept trying to get the IV out... she kept saying she needed to get out. There's a reason for it." I say and Felix kinda just stares at me.

  "And you think it's in her medical file?" Felix asks and I nod. The nurse hands me the file and makes me looks through it in front of her.

  I scan the pages, starting from when Jo was born, to when she was admitted recently. Something catches my eye though and I stop. "Hero this is a waste of-" Felix says and looks down at what I'm reading.

Name: Josephine Langford
Age: 7
Hospital: Coastal Carolina Hospital
Day brought in: July 19, 2010
Reason brought in: Drug overdose
Discharged: July 29, 2009

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