Chapter 48: Games People Play

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Jo's POV

I don't know how long I'm sitting there until someone comes to get be. I rub my eyes and look up to see Dean standing there.

"You know this is for the better Jo," he tells me and I shake my head.

"You don't know what you're talking about..." I say and wipe the tears from my eyes. I stand up and go to walk out of the room but he stops me.

"Come on, you dad wants to talk to you," he says and I glare at him before pushing him out of the way a bit and walking to his office myself.

At this point, I don't even know if I'm still a hostage or not. I mean I'm working for my father, so does that make me as bad as him?


I open the door to my fathers office and smile a bit at him. "You look good," he tells me, gesturing to what I assume is red, puffy eyes.

"Well, saying goodbye to the person you love will do that to you," I say and he just rolls his eyes at me. "So what am I doing for you?" I ask in the least bitchy way I can.

He smirks and pulls out a big pile of files. "This is everything from when you were with Tranquility. All of their hits on us and so on. You're gonna fill out the paperwork," he tells me and I sigh.

"Great," I mutter and take it off his desk. "I'll be in study," I say and he nods before letting me go. The pile is big, and fucking heavy. I just can't believe he's making me start where I started when I was younger.

Paperwork was always the worst for me, knowing things that were going on but not being able to be in them. I guess it's a weird, since most people were dying in the things I would read about.

I push the door to the study open and place al the files on the desk. I grab a pen and take a seat, pulling the file off the top of the stack.

Case # 1b: The Killing of a Man Named Jason
Type: murder
Case: Closed

I remember that... Jason is the man who my dad quite literally shot on me. I guess they found out he was from Tranquility.

"Now turn around," my father says. I suck in a breath, he's close to me, too close for comfort. But it's not like I have a choice. "I'm gonna teach both of you a lesson. Don't defy me. Beggars often end up dead Jason," there it is... there's the saying. He pulls the trigger and the blood splatters on my face.

Being that Jason is taller then me, the bullet goes through the wall, but I get the blood all over me. His lifeless body falls onto me, and I push him off. He drapes over the chair he walked around only minutes ago... maybe even seconds, and now he's dead.

I put my signature everywhere it needs to be and start a finish pile. I look over at the stack that's next to me. This is gonna take a long time.

The next file is a little thicker and looks like it's literally been through a war. Maybe even gone through the trenches.

Case # 2: The Hit Against Salvatore Langford
Type: Attempted Assassination
Case: Closed

Okay, weird, I don't remember this happening. I mean I know that Hero has mentioned how much he's wanted to kill my father but I don't think this is the extent he would go too.

In the end my father is just a man. We're all just people going about our lives hoping that we don't die. Some of us just have it harder then others.

Once again I start signing everything and I put it in the finished pile. This one takes a little longer since it was bigger, but then I pull the next one out and it's double the size.

No wonder my dad hates paperwork.

Case # 3: The Hit on the South Carolina Base
Type: Attempted Takeover
Case: Closed

I rub my eyes and realize I actually have to read some of the things that are important to the case. I honestly rather not though. Most of these things I've lived through, or at least have heard people living through them.

The gang Tranquility has tried to take over out South Carolina base... They want to take over the entire east coast... still have Mr. Langfords daughter... the raid ended successfully for us.

I rub my eyes again and start signing. At this point it's like a fucking routine. I mess with my hair and realize I'm almost done with the stack. I guess that it was just a bunch of large files.

I end up going through a few, insignificant, files that have literally nothing to do with Tranquility.

I literally feel like I'm sitting at a desk for a 9-5 job and it sucks. I guess this is what a normal life is like though. To be honest, if this is what normal life is like thank god I don't have a normal life.

I lean back on the chair for a bit and look up at the clock. I've only been doing this for about an hour. I guess my skills from when I was younger stuck with me. That's good though, because we're at the last file. Which also happens to be the biggest.

Case # 1a: The Kidnapping of Josephine Langford
Type: Kidnapping
Case: Open

I guess the case should be closed now but I'm not gonna be the one to change that. I rub my eyes and start scanning everything and signing where there's a dotted line.

Then I get to the final pages.

In an unfortunate event, Miss. Langford has fallen in love with Mr. Tiffin. Though the masterminds of Tranquility have been captured, they shall be let go under one condition that Mr. Langford has already signed off on.

An important persons death.

I blink at the pages. Yes, technically I should've already known this but it just feels surreal that it's in writing.

Whats even crazier is that they didn't write down who.


But if the masterminds are Hero, Felix, Morgan, and somewhat Jack that only leaves me.

Holy fuck that only leaves me.

Authors Note!🖤

So yes this is a little bit of a filled chapter because I wanted to end on 50 lol
I got another part out tonight!
Happy holidays!
And Merry Christmas to those who celebrate!

Hope you enjoyed!
See you in the next one!😈

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