Chapter 30: Hearts and Minds

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The next morning
Jo's POV


People like us thrive off of it. Knowing we can easily take down another and kill them. Maybe not go as far as killing them, but situations vary.

My fist connects with his jaw and he stumbles backwards. "I see you got your strength back," he chuckles, rubbing the area I just hit.

I smirk and circle him like I usually do while sparring. "You've lost your game, FT," I smirk more as I use the nickname his collages, or really friends, gave him.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, Langford," he shoots back before swinging at me. I promptly duck before quickly grabbed the extended arm and kneeing him right in the stomach.

He doubles over and I flip him before straddling him; holding my fist up as if I were to punch him. I make sure my knee stays tight on his shirt, so it would be hard if he were to try to sit up. "You lost," I say and he rolls his eyes playfully.

"You're always thinking ten steps ahead, aren't you?" He asks me, looking down at my knee holding his shirt.

I lower my head down, grazing his lips before smirking. "It's either think or die, eat or be eaten." I say and roll off of him. "Wanna go again?" I ask and he looks at me like I'm crazy.

"You never stop?" He asks, but not in a mean way.

"I never have," I say and stand up, extending my arm out to him to help him up. He pulls me down so I'm on top of him again. "Hero!" I yell and giggle in shock.

The rolls me over, pinning me to the mat before his lips graze my neck. I suck in a breath and right when I think he's gonna kiss my neck, his lips go to my ear. "I win," his raspy voice says with a smirk surely plastered all over his face.

  I giggle a bit, taking his hair into my hands and forcing him to roll over. He is a bit wide eyed and I chuckle. "What's on your mind?" I ask and he leans up, kissing me.

  "How I think you just like to straddle me," he laughs and I smile. It's a lot more playful response then I was expecting.

  "Well, no surprise there," I say back, a smile plastered on my face. I stand up and hold my hand out to him. "Come on, I want food," I smile and he takes my hand, standing up.

We walk into the kitchen and he starts making us sandwiches. His back is to me and I can't help but watch his body move. Fuck me, even his back muscles are hot. He turns back around to see me staring at him and he snaps me out of my trance by kissing me.

"Like what you see Princess?" He asks and I nod, giggling. Through out the entire time we ate, he kept teasing me. Tickling me when I wasn't expecting it, kissing my neck, all because I just had to sit on his lap.

"I need to go to the store," I say softly after I sip my soda and he tenses us. I know why he's worried, especially after last time. "I know you've gotten the security around here doubled so I should be okay alone," I turn to face him and I can tell he doesn't like the idea. "You have work to do anyway..." I mumble a bit but he sighs, holding me closer.

"I'm scared you'll leave me again," he says into my neck and I smile softly.

"Baby... I never left on my own," I say and he slouches a bit more but tightens his grip on me.

"Please be safe," he tells me and I fight the urge to laugh. It's kinda comical coming from him; someone who puts peoples lives at risk constantly.

But yet again I was apart of something similar.

"I will baby," I say and get off his lap. I kiss him and smile. I grab my small wallet that I found and put left over money in and put my shoes on before I head for the door.

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