Chapter 27: Lost Souls

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Hero's POV

  I ended up falling asleep on Jo's lap as we made our way back to the house. I mentally can not comprehend what has happened in the past 16-ish hours.

I was dead.

Like dead, dead.

Until she pumped my heart back to life.

  When I started coughing up water, I saw her broken face in front of me. Her eyes, red and puffy. Her cheeks bright red from crying and the cold. She was soaking wet, and I soon realized I was too.

  It didn't take me long to realize that I drowned. I don't know why my body didn't go into defense mode, or I just don't remember.

What matters to me is that she's safe.

A couple hours before

"Hero they're speeding up!" Jo yells to me as I slowly press on the gas faster. I want to know who the fuck are these people and how did they find us...
How the fuck did they find us?

"Fuck!" I yell and then suddenly the gunshots stop. The silence is eerie, like death is right around the corner.

"They're going faster!" She yells again and I feel her look at me. I know she isn't scared, she's never scared. She's my big, strong princess.

But I'm scared as fuck.

This is out of character for me, my gang is named Tranquility for being calm all the damn time. This is too close, too damn close and I have no control.

"What the fuck?!" Felix yells and they hit the car. I keep moving the steering wheel, trying my best to keep the car on the road, but once they hit the car again I can't. The car goes spiraling and I look at Jo.

Her eyes.

They're beautiful, just like the ocean. Calm, peaceful, like an eye of a hurricane.

She's the last thing I see before the car goes under.

My head hits the steering wheel, causing me to black out. Even in my blacked out state I can feel the air leaving my lungs and filling up with water.

I wasn't there anymore.

I watched Jo after Felix gets out of the car. I don't know how since I don't really believe in that higher power bullshit, but I watch her. She wakes up and looks over at me. Even underwater I can see her eyes fill with tears at my body.

She must've unbuckled my seatbelt at one point because she pulls my body out of the car with ease. I follow her until she pushes my body up above the water in attempt to save me.

My princess doesn't know I'm already gone.

I follow her and Felix bring my body to the shore when I hear a voice.

A voice?

"Why are you here?" A girl says, blonde, looking like me so much it's uncanny. "Why are you here Hero?!" She yells, tears filling up her eyes.

"Mercy?!" I say and go closer to her. She shakes her head and steps back.

"You died... after all you've done you killed yourself by drowning!" She yells at me and goes closer to my body.

"This wasn't how I was supposed to see you again..." my voice cracks she looks at me.

"Who's the girl Hero?" She asks me softly, touching the hair on my body.

"Josephine... I'm in love with her," I say and she nods. She sighs and stands up.

"She's good for you... remember that when you go back. Once you lose her, she won't come back to you," Mercy says and I now have my own tears in my eyes.

"You can't just leave me Mercy, not after how you died!" I end up yelling and she turns to me.

"You will cheat death again brother, trust me. I'll always be here, I'm not going anywhere. We'll meet again," she says and I hear Jo screaming as if it's in the distance, though it's right behind me.

  "WAKE! THE! FUCK! UP!" She yells, punching my chest between each word.

  "Mercy..." I say and she smiles softly.

  "We will meet again," she says before disappearing and I'm coughing up water.


I rub my eyes as I wake up from the sleep I was apparently in. We're back at the house now, and I'm laying on Jo's stomach.

"Mmm," I mumble and wrap my arms around her tightly. She chuckles softly and plays with my hair.

"How are you feeling?" She asks, just as softly as she chuckled. I don't know how to tell her that I spoke to my dead sister since she doesn't even know I have a sister.

I'm not ready to share that much trauma.

"Better... stronger," I say and give her small body another squeeze. She giggles against me and my cheeks flush. I love that sound, and I love making her giggle.

"Alright love birds," I hear Felix say and I roll my eyes. She kisses my forehead and allows him to continue. "Whenever Hero's ready, I need to speak to him privately," Felix says and I roll my eyes. I know what that means, but that doesn't make me happy about it.

"Hero can't come to the phone right now, leave a message after the beep," I pause for a few seconds, "beep." Jo giggles again until Felix gives her a warning glare and she stops.

She pulls me closer after that, and I don't get why Felix had to ruin our fun. I get shits serious right now, but I need a couple of hours to get my fucked up body back in order.

"You got 30 minutes FT, then I need you," Felix says and I groan in response.

"I don't get why he's so mean..." Jo whispers, and I'm guessing it's to me. I close my eyes on her chest again.

"Neither do I princess, neither do I," I say and fall back asleep on my baby girl.

Authors Note!🖤

So, I'm still in pain but I wanted to get something out for you guys❤️

Thank you for everyone who told me to take as much time as I need❤️ I just always like to be writing and working in a sense so that's why I put something out today❤️

Hope you enjoyed!
See you in the next one!

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