Chapter 42: One Day Like This

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When they get home
Jo's POV

Morgan thankfully went back to his place which means Hero and I were alone. So you know what that means. Some good old make up sex.

As soon as Hero shuts the door, he pushes me against it and his lips attach to mine. I moan as his hand rubs my waist and slowly makes it's way down.

"I missed you this week," he groans and pushes himself to my front and I let out a weak moan. "I want to make up for lost time," he says into my ear and I feel like I'm getting weak to my knees. "Do you want that?" He asks and I nod.

"Yes, please," I beg and pull him to my face as I kiss him. His arms wrap around my waist and he picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and continue to kiss him as he walks us up the stairs.

He lays me on the bed and starts to kiss my neck. It feels like he's going fast but in reality he's going really slow, and it feels so fucking good.

"Hero," I whine and he takes his lips off my neck. They're swollen and red from all the kissing we've been doing. "Please touch me," I beg and he chuckles.

"Is my Princess getting restless?" He asks and I moan in response. "Be patient baby," he tells me and I look at him frustrated.

  "Not fair..." I moan out as his lips attach to my neck again. I push my hips up to meet his, and give me the friction I need.

  "I don't think so baby," he tells me and pins my hips down. I pout and he kisses my lips instead of my neck.

  I bite on his lip playfully and smirk at him when he pulls back a bit. "I want you," I pout like the horny bitch I am.

  "You have no patience baby," he says to me and I nod while smiling. He chuckles and starts slowly kisses down my body.

  I whine softly and he starts to slowly take my pants off. I look down at him and he nips at my stomach playfully. "Baby," I whine softly and he starts kissing my thighs. I whine even more and squirm a bit.

  He pins my hips down and I pout again. "Now don't be a bad girl," he tells me and I immediately stop moving. How that dominate voice really fucks me up. He takes my underwear off and I see him smile. He comes up to my face and kisses me sweetly. "Is my baby this wet for me?" He asks and I nod.

  He goes back down on me and finally attaches his lips to me. I moan loudly and one of my hands go to his hair. I push my myself toward his mouth more and fuck does it feel good.

  At some point he stops and I whine softly because of it. He comes back to my neck and starts sucking away at it.

  I start taking his pants off and he smiles against my neck and I push his pants down with his underwear. "Please baby," I beg and he picks me up and moves me up on the bed more.

  "Are you sure baby?" He asks me and I nod quickly. I need him, and I need him right now.

  He kisses my neck and slowly pushes into me and I moan out in pleasure. Fuck that feels absolutely amazing. He groans into my neck and starts thrusting into me over and over again.

  I grip his hair and pull on it, he moans from the actions. I grab his arm and squeeze it so I don't rip all the hair out of his pretty little head.

  "Fuck baby I'm already close," he groans and I moan as a response. "Is my baby close too?" He asks and I bring his face down to kiss me.

  He keeps pumping at a steady pace and I break my lips away from him and look down at where our bodies meet. "Faster," I moan and he looks down at me like he's trying to keep everything in.

  "Baby, I don't think I'll last," he tells me so I flip him over, somehow.

  "Fine then I'll do it myself," I say to him and start bouncing on him. He groans and I bite my lip.

  His hand comes up to my lip and pulls my own lip from under my other one. "I wanna hear you baby, I wanna hear those pretty moans of yours," he tells me and I moan. I can't help it.

  "I'm close," I moan and start rocking back in forth for a bit before I start bouncing again.

  Hero sits up and holds my body close to him as I bounce. "Let go baby," he groans into my ear and I grab his arm and still my body. The release that has been building up since he started kissing me.

  He must've released the same time as me because he holds my body close to his as we both lay onto the bed. "Mmm that felt good," I say and rub my eyes on him.

  He chuckles softly and pulls out of me. "I have to clean you up baby," he says to me and I nod softly. He goes to get some paper towels and wipes up the remains that we left.

  After relaxing for a little bit and cleaning up, I change into some sweats and one of Hero's shirts before meeting him downstairs.

  "Baby what's this?" He asks and he's holding an envelope. I recognize the wax seal. Fucking hell.

  "Baby, you need to put that down..." I say, I don't know what it is but I have an idea of what it could be.

  "Baby, what is it?" He asks a little more demanding and I shake my head.

  "That's my dads wax seal, so don't open it. It's not good, nothing in there is ever good so you should just shred it," I say and he looks at the seal on the back.

"What if it's something about you...?" He asks softly and I shake my head. I go over to him and take it out of his hands, putting it on the counter before turning back to him and grabbing his face.

"Listen to me, whatever is in that envelope is gonna cause trouble. No matter what. Okay? Let's just keep it a mystery," I say softly and kiss him with a small smile resting on my face.

"I love you too much not to see what's in there princess," he tells me softly and I rest my head on his chest in defeat. He takes it off the counter as I hold him and he opens it up. "Fuck me..." he mumbles and I turn to look. It's pictures of us from who knows when.


"She warned us she was watching... we have to be more careful..." I say softly and he looks closer at the pictures.

"That's when we were fucking... a few days ago," he says and I take the pictures out of his hands and look at them.

"Look at that, it is," I say and chuckle nervously. He holds me closer to him and kisses my head softly.

"I got you baby, I'm always gonna protect you," he says softly. The same words I hear over and over again, but honestly my insecure ass needs it.

"I know... I just hope you never have too," I say and keep my head on his chest.

Authors Note!🖤

Calm before the storm?

Hope you enjoyed!
See you in the next one!

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