Chapter 49: Devil's Due

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Jo's POV

I grab all the finished files and start going down to my dads office again. It was record time if you ask me.

The walk to the office feels... weird. It feels like I don't belong here anymore, but I guess that makes sense. I don't belong here anymore. I left... technically. I fell in love with the enemy, just like every romance book.

I knock on the door, which is so weird for me. I never, ever knock, but I guess times are changing.

The door opens for me and I sigh softly before going in. "I did it all," I say as I place it on the desk. "I just didn't know if you wanted me to change case one-b to closed so I didn't..." I say softly and he looks at me from his chair, nodding.

"I still don't understand what you see in him..." he tells me and I raise my eyebrows.

"You mean Hero...?" I ask softly and he nods. I don't get why I'm talking so softly but I don't care. It's fine for me right now. "There's more to him then someone who wants to take over the east coast," I say with a small smile.

"Tell me then. Tell me what there is to him," my dad says and I sigh softly. I don't know where this is going, but I guess I'll just see.

"He's human dad... I mean we've all made mistakes. He has a shitty past. He... he's so sweet. I know you don't believe that but he really is so sweet," I say and I can feel myself gushing at the thought of my love.

"You seem to like him a lot," he states and I nod. I mean does he think otherwise? I guess he did.

"I love him dad," I tell him and he silently nods again. It's unnerving really; someone who is normally so loud being so quiet.

"He had a good impact on you. You're not the same person who was kidnapped a while ago," he tells me and I exhale a little dramatically and I look down. It's normal for people in the Mafia to not know exact months unless you need them.

But I feel like this is a time you would need them.

I look up at him and nod. "He showed me that there's more to me then killing people and having shitty things happen to you," I say and he sighs softly.

"I'm sorry for all those bad things that have happened to you," he says and I try not to laugh. I'm trying to be the bigger person.

"You caused me to have so many drug overdoses that I almost died because of mercury poisoning... I almost died from getting stabbed in the leg because of how weak I was," I tell him and he snaps his head up.

  "Who stabbed you in the leg?" He asks and I shake my head.

  "That's not important..." I mutter and look away from him a bit.

  "Tell me... what else has happened to you while you were with us," he says and I close my eyes. I feel like I'm living through all my childhood traumas again.

  "Katherines dad... Randy, he's raped me when I was eight and after that. Dean has raped me a fair share of times. Marcus... I watched Marcus die... Claire lied to me so many times..." I say and I feel like my world is closing in on me.

  "You're reliving everything?" He asks a bit and I can't help but nod.

  "So much had happened, I mean fuck dad. I was eight when Randy fucking touched me," I say and he sucks in a breath a bit. I guess he didn't realize I was that young.

  "I'll kill him Josephine..." he mutters and I shake my head.

  "No... no it's Katherines dad, I can't deprive her of that. But you run the show here, and you don't even know half the shit that happens." I say to make a point and he nods again, absorbing everything.

  I feel like a kid again, telling my dad different things that are happening to me, or have happened to me. He wouldn't listen to me then and would hurt them... I always felt bad for those kids who would lose their parents.

  "How's mom...?" I ask and he shakes his head.

  "I don't wanna talk about her," he mumbles and I go closer to his desk.

  "Dad... how is my mother?" I ask a bit more sternly, but not enough to be seem disrespectful.

  "I haven't talked to her, she's been the bitch she normally is..." he tells me and I take a deep breath.

  "Does that mean you're cheating on her again?" He asks and he looks up at me before reluctantly nodding.

  I lick my lips before biting one and nodding at him. "Anymore questions...?" He asks softly and I think for a second before nodding.

  "Yeah..." I say and take out the case that's about me and flipping to the last page. "Whats this about?" I ask and he leans over, putting his glasses on to read it.

  "Well no one has died yet, have they?" He asks me and I shake my head a little bit.

  "It says you signed off on it, which means you know who's dying because you wouldn't just say 'someone,'" I say to him and he take a deep breath.

  "So what are you asking exactly?" He asks me and I think about that for a second. I mean what am I asking? I hate when my dad does this because it makes me think I'm crazy.

  "I guess I'm asking who you're gonna kill..." I say softer then I've been talking and he looks up at me again.

  "Why should I tell you that?" He asks defensively and I chuckle softly.

  "So I'm prepared to see which of my friends who'll be dying at your hand," I say honestly and he smirks.

  "You'd be surprised at who I picked," he says to be and stands up, coming around the desk. Is he gonna make me watch? Oh god I hope not.

  "Where is this going?" I ask cautiously and he chuckles.

  "After all the work I did to this person it's their end," he says to me and pulls out a knife. Is he crazy just carrying around something like a knife? Honestly, I shouldn't be surprised though. I'm just more used to guns than knifes.

  "Dad..." I say and shakes his head before driving the knife into my abdomen and pulling it out. I gasp out and clutch at the side of my stomach where the stab wound is.

  I drop to my knees and start coughing a bit. "But this is your end Josephine..." he says and I look up with him, tears filling my eyes.

  "I'm your daughter..." I say and pull one of my hands away to see the damage. Fuck there's so much blood.

  "Not anymore..." he says and gets down to my level. I take big breaths, hoping one of them isn't my last so soon. "You have 25 minutes until you bleed to death, use them wisely." He tells me and stands up, opening his door and leaving it open for me. I stand to my feet and stumble my way out.

I need to find Hero.

Authors Note!🖤

Anyone surprised?
One more part left!

Don't forget this isn't the end!
Serenity will be out after the last part is!

Merry Christmas!❤️

Hope you enjoyed!
See you in the next one!

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