Chapter 28: Drawn to the Blood

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About 30 minutes later
Hero's POV

  I rub my eyes as I walk through the pathway to the main house, knowing that's where Felix will be. I just want Jo to be in my arms. I don't know what this feeling is, but it's different.

I feel safe with Jo.

  I've never felt this way before, not that I can remember at least. I know when I was with my mom I didn't feel this safe, and I don't really remember my dad. I let the shivers rake through me at the memory of seeing Mercy...

  "Took you long enough," he says and I roll my eyes. He's honestly getting on my last fucking nerve. I know I have shit to do, I know I'm the leader of the gang but can't I get one fucking day off after I almost died?

"I was getting my strength back," I say and he sighs. He looks down a bit and then back up at me. "What's going on...?" I ask, whatever it is it can't be good.

He bites his lip before taking a deep breath. "They're asking for Finn," he tells me and I feel like my eyes are gonna pop out of my head.

"Why? Finn has nothing to do with this shit," I say and he just shakes his head a bit.

"They disagree. The attack on the club was only a major thing that's been happening. The violence between the clicks here are getting to an all time high. Not to mention they feel that Finn has been doing shit to keep them safe." He tells me and I run my hands through my hair.

"And your point is?" I ask and he looks down at his notebook again before looking up at me.

"We either need to get Finn or have you make a statement from him," Felix tells me and I sigh.

"I don't think a statement is gonna work man... I've kinda seen the shit that's going on and it's not good." I say and Felix closes his book, putting it on his desk before turning to me again.

"Are you really ready for them to know who Finn is though?" He asks and I chuckle.

"No, I'm not. And I don't plan on telling them. We're gonna have to make a statement but somehow twist some of the story. We have to be smart about this because once they know who Finn is, it's over." I tell Felix and he nods.

"Let's get writing then," he says and pulls a chair over for me to sit in.

About 2 hours later

Everyone, including Jo, is gathered in the extremely large living room in the main house. It fits just about everyone, that is if you include the stair balcony some people are standing on.

Not only am I lying to the people I've felt are my family, but I'm lying to the person I love. I have to though. It keeps me safe, and soon it'll keep Jo safe.

I've done this countless amount of times over the years. People get mad, I speak on Finns behalf, they calm down a bit, and the cycle continues. This time is probably gonna be different though. Too much has happened for it not to be different.

I stand up on the table I normally stand on and look over everyone. Felix yells and they all silence. I take a small, deep breath before starting.

"Hey everyone. Finn couldn't be here like normally can't for his own protection." Yeah right... "As you know, there was an attack on the club last night. The people who planned and executed the attack have not been found, but people are looking for them. We suspect that part of it was an inside job." Everyone stares up at me and I look down to see Jo.

She's sitting between Leo and Jack. While Jack doesn't notice anything, I watch Leo put his hand on Jo's thigh. She pushes it off with a disgusted face, but when he looks at her in a way I can't see, she hides the emotion.

What the fuck is happening.

  "Uh.. um..." I stutter, loosing my train of thought. "If- if you know anything, tell me, or Felix. We'll relay the information to Finn and he'll tell us where to go from there. I've also been told to tell you that fighting amongst yourself will bring us no where. We need to be closer together, not farther apart. Especially if we need to fight someone." I clench my fists as I watch Jo look at me, pleading for help with a simple look.

  "That'll be all," I say and immediately get off the table.

  "Hero you can't-" Felix starts telling me but I make a B-line for Jo.

  "Come on, you don't actually want him, it's Stockholm syndrome," Leo says to her and she rolls her eyes.

  "At least he's a gentleman, unlike your selfish ass," she says and he grabs her neck. People around him gasp slightly.

  Everyone knows Jo is my girl and I'll murder anyone who hurts her. Right now, he's on the top of my hit list.

  "Leo," she coughs," I hate that I can't reach her but I can hear them. Too many people, too many damn people.

  "What Josie? You don't like being grabbed this way? I think you should get used to it," he says and her face starts turning blue from it's original bright red color.

  "You're... killing... me..." she says the best she can before I pull my gun out, pressing it to the back of his head.

  "Put her down or I'll shoot," I say and he just chuckles.

  "See, I have the girl, and I'm ready to crush her windpipe. So take the gun away, and I won't hurt her," he tells me but I scoff. As he starts to squeeze her neck tighter as she claws at him before I shoot him in the back of the head.

  The bullet missed Jo's head and the blood covers her, much like one of the first pictures I've ever seen of her. His arm goes limp and Jo fall, coughing as she tried to get the oxygen back in her lungs.

"Dilexit vos sunt," You were loved. I say and Jo looks up at me. She looks numb in a way, like she's been through this before and she just wants it to go away... sometimes I wish it would all go away.

I put my gun away and go down to her. "Hi baby," I say softly and I see the single tears roll down her face, moving the blood from that area. She moves closer to me and I help her up.

The whole way back to my house she won't let go of my hand. She keeps me as close as possible as if she's scared someone will take me away from her.

"You want me to run you a bath?" I ask softly and she nods. We both walk upstairs and go into my bathroom that connects to my room. It's the only bathroom with a bath, but I prefer showers so that's why I use the other bathroom.

As I fill the bath up, I notice she hasn't said anything to me. I'm honestly worried, but once the water stops, I put in a relaxing bath melt thing I bought for her a while ago and look at her.

She sits there, staring into space. She hasn't moved from the chair since she sat down, it doesn't even look like she's blinked. "Baby?" I say softly and her eyes slowly turn to me. "Baby please talk to me," I say softer and she looks down.

"He did that to me," she tells me, barely above a whisper. "My dad," she clarifies in the same volume. I nod, so it's trauma hunting her. She's so strong that I didn't even know that happened to her. "I know why you did it this time though... so thank you," she tells me and holds her arms out for a hug.

Obviously I hug her and then help her stand. Hand in hand we start walking to the tub before she stops in the mirror. Her finger tips loosely trace the black and blue forming on her neck before I help her take off her clothes and soak in the tub.

As I go to leave, she grabs my arm. "Stay?" She asks, with begging eyes.

So obviously I sit my ass back down for my Princess.

Authors Note!🖤

Any guesses on who Finn actually is?

Hope you enjoyed!
See you in the next one!

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