Chapter 12: Thriller

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Hero's POV
At the hospital...

I don't wanna talk about the trip to the hospital.

It was a mess.

The way we carried her to one of the cars...

It looked like we fucking murdered her.

I look at Morgan and sigh, which makes him shoo me off because he knows what I'm gonna ask. I give him a quick nod and stand up, walking through the sliding doors of the hospital. Felix is out here too, I'm just surprised he isn't fucking a nurse yet.

Pulling the pack of cigarettes out of my jacket, I take the lighter out too, putting both away when one cigarette is lit.

"Why are you stressed man? Worst comes to worst shes dead," Felix tells me, making me take a longer drag then usual.

As I blow out the smoke I say, "That has to be dramatic measures. Once she's dead, not only do we now have deadly group after us, we have two." I tell him, shaking my head and leaning my head on the wall. "I need her to live," I mumble, hoping Felix didn't hear me.

"Well from the looks of it now, she's gonna die," he says and I glare at him as he throws his own cigarette into the street and walks back into the hospital.

The past 24 hours have been a lot, and now she's in the hospital. We don't know who this Joseph guy is and he clearly wants her dead from some grudge he's holding. Not to mention her dad probably wants my head. That part is okay for now. They think we're in South Carolina when were in Oregon currently.

At least that plan is working.

I throw the cigarette into the street before walking back in. A nurse approaches Felix so I walk a little faster. "Are you here for Jessica Harris?" She asks and I nod. Felix give me a weird look but I hit him so he knocks it off.

I had to give her a fake name.

Almost all of the country knows who Josephine Langford is.

I was just covering my tracks.

"Follow me then," she says and walks us to Jo's room. When she opens the door, I sigh. Her arm definitely looks better, and I've seen enough hospital monitors to know that she's stable.

"So what's wrong with her?" Felix asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"The doctor will go more in depth so you can understand the symptoms, but she had mercury poisoning. We believe it's from the wire that was used to stitch her arm up. If you didn't bring her in when you did, she'd be dead," the nurse says. At least I think she's a nurse.

I nod and look down at her. She's so peaceful when she's asleep. "What about the infection?" I ask and the nurse just looks at me before I look over at her. She immediately looks away, I guess I scare her.

"We cleaned it, and it's what was causing both the fever and one of the causes for her lost cognitive skills, which I don't believe you explored." She tells me and I nod.

Morgan goes to the other side of the bed and I rub my face a bit. Thankfully the nurse walks out and Felix shuts the door. "What the hell are we gonna do with people after us? And that was a shitty name to pick," Felix tells me and I roll my eyes, moving her hair out of her face gently before I look at him.

"First of all, fuck you because I don't see you coming up with something better. Second, what do you think I'm trying to think through. It's only a matter of time before her dad finds us, and who the hell knows what that Joseph guy is doing?" I spew out and tug at my roots. "We're kinda fucked," I say and Morgan shakes his head.

"You can't say that. Saying that means you give up," he tells me and I can't look at him without wanting to kill him.

"I'm not giving up, I just need a better plan..." I sigh and Felix nods.

"We need to kill that Joseph son of a bitch," Felix states and I nod. One of the doctors comes in and I give a slight nod to Felix and Morgan.

"I'm just checking her vitals," she says and starts doing her job.

"Tu autem eum occidere, est certus a bonum idea?" Are we sure killing him is a smart idea? Morgan asks a little worried. I don't blame him, it's worrying.

"Omnia scire, ut ille alter iterum venturus." For all we know, he's just gonna come after one of us again. Felix says back to him.

"Aut illam..." Or her, I mumble and they look at me. "Si moriatur, et nos consilium esse ianuam. Quod 's Quid est hoc de omnibus. Keeping eius viveret." If she dies, all of this is out the door. That's what all of this is about. Keeping her alive. I tell them and they nod. The nurse finally leaves and I bite my lip.

"Your call man," Felix tells me; it's like he has a feeling that I'm making up some kind of plan.

"Give me my phone." I say, just to anyone and Morgan hands me my phone. When we were getting her checked in he had to take it from me, and honestly I haven't thought about it since.

I go into my contacts and find Jacks number before putting it on speaker. "FT! What's up man? Haven't seen you since your errand at the club!" He says and I roll my eyes.

"I need a favor... from you and Nolan," I say and I hear him sigh on the other end.

  "Who do you need us to kill?" He asks, already knowing my request.

  "His name is Joseph, his operation is set up behind the stairs of the club. He poisoned Josephine so I need you to kill him. And say you were loved like always... even that bastard deserves it." I say and I hear him sigh, so I'm assuming he's nodding.

  "Yeah, fine whatever. I'll text you when it's done," he says and the line goes dead.

  "That was easy," Felix says and I nod. I quickly put my phone away when a few doctors come in.

  "It's nice to meet you, I'm Doctor Scott and these are my peers." He says and we all shake his hand.

  "I'm... Harold," I say, who the fuck names themselves Harold? Of all names?

  "I'm Danny," Felix says, and he actually chose a decent name without hesitation.

  "I'm John," Morgan says, trying to be as casual as possible.

  "Well, as you now know Jessica had mercury poisoning. It was embedded into the stitching that was in her arm, and seeped into her skin. This made her lose feeling in her arm and hand. It also caused her trouble with walking and speech. Basically she lost a lot of skills but don't worry, we're giving her a full blood transfusion and some medication to make her better. She will slowly regain the skills, and you might need to help her here and there. She'll be able to leave a day or two after she wakes. I'll see you when I come to check on her," he says and we nod before he walks out with his entire group of people.

  "She's gonna end up killing us or something man," Felix says and I glare at him. "Maybe it's better if she does die."

  "No! No..." I say and look at him. All these emotions are washing over me and I can't... I just can't deal with them right now. "I'm... I'll be back. Call me when she wakes up," I say and Morgan nods.

  I walk out of the room and down the long hallway. This can't be happening now... why does this have to be happening right now...?

Authors Note!🖤

Sorry if you saw the notification for the new update, Wattpad literally deleted like 300 words which was a lot😭

Anyway, what do you think is gonna happen next part?

Hope you enjoyed!
See you later for Loving You!

Follow my Instagram if you want- @/hessashearts

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