Chapter 18: The Unexplainable

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The words Jimin spoke carved into Jungkook's wondrous mind and left him questioning what he meant. Why would Jimin bring up the fact that many others would lie to him? From a bright and sweet moment they shared, Jungkook treasured it up until that soft moment turned dark and sour seconds after. With that being said, Jimin stood straight and looked down, watching Jungkook question many things in his mind once again.

"W-Why would many... many people lie to you?" Jungkook wondered and looked Jimin in the eyes which never failed to spark a red flare at every glance.

"Well Jungkook, I'm not a very... nice person," Jimin answered and let out a scoff. "I may seem kind towards you, but to others... I'm a different person. Besides, wouldn't you lie to be set free? I did say if you can recall a memory we shared, I would set you free. You didn't lie... others would do it to save their lives."

"You... you wouldn't hurt me... you wouldn't harm anyone, would you?" Jungkook questioned and was too distracted to even take a sip from his cup of tea now. "You would punish someone, but the way you punished me didn't hurt at all, it just made me very uncomfortable... and it scared me..."

"Harm anyone... of course not, I don't know why anyone would think I would harm another living soul. I'm a very calm man. I won't bite~" Jimin mentioned with a smirk and walked towards the wide bed, knowing well that Jungkook followed his every movement with his curious gaze. "Just so you know, my intentions for your punishment were weak, only because I went soft on you. Either way, I wouldn't do anything further than the limit I set for myself when it comes to handling you. But just know, that was something I did out of hand... and I apologize."

Jungkook looked at the man and noticed how sincerity bled through the worried tone in his voice, at least, that's what Jungkook believed.

"When I stepped out of this room today, I noticed a guest that has been here for quite a while now and he told me... that no one is allowed to leave this place. Just like when you told me I couldn't leave the room; but somehow, I'm different... I can't leave the room but others can? There are many rules set for others, but why do I only have one?" Jungkook began to ask more and watched Jimin drag his black gloved hands over the wide bed. Dragging the leather over the soft silk on the side of the bed Jungkook laid on.

"Jeon Jungkook, listen to me when I say, there are questions that are better off left unanswered. In this instance, there are things that go beyond the human eyes... beyond reality..." Jimin spoke softly and sat over the bed to look over to the boy once more. "I'm sorry I can't answer your questions right now, Jungkook. But in time, you will thank me."

No matter what, Jungkook didn't understand at all and grew frustrated deep down. He believed the moment they shared recently was a bonding experience that brought him one step closer to unraveling the truth behind Jimin's mask, but when the boy needed a dire question to be answered, Jimin closed himself off and dodged every thought Jungkook shot at him like bullets.

"I..I don't understand... we were just having a moment, sharing things we wouldn't normally share! If it's something horrifying, I can take it!" Jungkook raised his voice and set his cup of tea down when he stood up and latched his gaze onto Jimin. Shocked that Jimin persisted to hide something he longed to know. "I should know! Please, talk to me... if we aren't close enough to speak about it, I'll wait! But please tell me when you can... it's not fair, all I've had since I've gotten here were burning questions, one after the other, causing me headaches! Who are you?" Jungkook asked and made his way over to the man sitting over the bed with a smile.

"Jungkook, please, compose yourself... there are things-"

"Who are you? Why do you have cold hands? Why do your eyes flash red? Why do you stand as if you don't breathe at all? Why do you lock everyone here in this hotel?" Jungkook asked into a softer tone to his voice and watched Jimin tilt his head. "When will you answer my questions? What are you afraid of?! I'm not going anywhere! It's not like I can, I'll be locked up in here and no one will know! You keep me here and expect me to stay silent?!"

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