Chapter 30: My Weakness

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"What makes me weak..." Jimin whispered and slowly slid his hands over the back of Jungkook's hand. Holding it gently but also growing envious over his own gloves since they were allowed to touch the boy's soft skin while Jimin couldn't. His hands were too cold for Jungkook to feel against his own warm touch.

Jungkook nodded carefully as the moment left his heart pounding. His thoughts went silent and all he could hear was his own breathing along with his pounding heart echoing at every beat.

"What are you trying to do... kill me?~" Jimin asked into a soft chuckle that left the hairs on the nape of Jungkook's neck stand so suddenly. "Oh Jungkook, I'm going to say something very embarrassing... but I want to be honest with you," Jimin continued on and closed his eyes against the back of the boy's neck. "I'll give you a hint..."

Jungkook remained silent as his glistening eyes shone like the moonlight that beamed through the cracks of the wooden borders concealing the window. The boy remained silent to hear the hint until... he felt Jimin move his hand over to the boy's heart. Jungkook froze up at the feeling of his own hand touching his own chest where his heart lies. With the feeling of Jimin's hand guiding over the boy's hand, Jungkook couldn't help but to sputter in tears.

"I... I... Jimin, am I...?" Jungkook asked softly through sobs that erupted from his mouth. "Am I your weakness? I can't be..."

"Why are you crying like this?" Jimin asked with a charming smile; showing his sharp fangs erupting behind Jungkook. "It's true... you're the only one I allowed to get close to me... in time, I will allow so much to be known, but I want to make sure you'll trust me as much as I'm willing to trust you. After Hyunwon left me... you came into my life and I've never felt more closer to you," Jimin continued and listened to Jungkook's silent sobs. "Could it be that you resemble my beloved so much that I already feel close to you? I don't know what it is but you're special... you know so much to me compared to anyone in this hotel. You know so much but at the same time, you don't... but I can't help but to go crazy when you escape the room. I get so anxious and worried, so frustrated and scared; I'm so scared of losing someone I want to let in after shutting everyone out. You remind me so much of him..."

Jungkook's heart pounded at Jimin's response. The way Jimin spoke about how important the boy was to him didn't seem to ease up how tense Jungkook became as he thought about the plan even further. Yet, with Jimin's arms keeping him safe, Jungkook didn't want to focus on the horrid plan he had to face soon. He wanted to lose himself in the arms of what seemed to be a villain in everyone's eyes while in his own view, was an unknown man that was set out to make bad choices based on the creature he truly was.

"You're my weakness... anything that happens to you, will harm me in so many ways," Jimin concluded and listened to Jungkook cry silently. "Has no one ever told you how special you are? Has no one ever kept you this safe and cherished you? Then let me... let me tell you only the pretty words that make you feel safe. It's all I want to give to the one who manages to make me feel so weak when I'm not."

"Jimin... I can't be your weakness..." Jungkook spoke softly before turning his body around to face Jimin once more. Looking into his caring brown eyes. "I can't be the cause of what can kill you..."

"Why not?"

"I don't know much about you to even be held in such a position..." Jungkook answered and buried his face into Jimin's motionless chest. "Why do you tell me these things, why do you say such nice things to me, why are you so much better to be around compared to those who are supposed to be my family or my friends?" Jungkook asked and closed his eyes tightly. "Why were you so kind to me before even knowing my true intentions?"

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