Chapter 46: An Unplanned Stay

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       Inside those four walls of where Jungkook lived before, seemed as if it didn't echo the pains of his past. The boy walked in as Namjoon followed along with him; excitingly watching Jungkook finally return home after such a long time. His eyes wandered and nostalgia beamed at every glance; Jeon Jungkook just didn't know how much he truly missed this place.

      "I'm so glad to see you... I've been so worried, I thought you weren't ever going to come back!"

       "I didn't expect you to miss me at all..." Jungkook added and finally dropped onto the couch he slept in that drunk and rainy night of his.

      "Of course I missed you! I called your parents every time and I couldn't help but to wonder if you were even alive! I cried; I cried thinking you must have ended up somewhere and died sad and confused," Namjoon confessed and sat right across from the silent boy who was only fidgeting with the corners of a small throw pillow. "I'm sorry... it's my fault that I made you think that way..."

       "You actually cried for me...? I thought this was what you wanted... I thought you couldn't stand me!" Jungkook replied and watched as a tear raced down Namjoon's puffy eyes. "I overheard you that night, talking to someone over the phone and telling them how much you wish I never came here... I was so ruined after hearing those words!"

       "Oh Jungkook..." Namjoon spoke into a sigh and shook his head. "I'm sorry... I was just so frustrated at the moment, I said things I shouldn't have. I didn't know what to do with you! You weren't taking any of my help and was drinking away your pain. I just wanted to help you and you pushed me away. I wanted to be there for you so badly, that I felt so hurt when you didn't let me..." Namjoon confirmed and left Jungkook to look at the ground right underneath his shoes.

      "He was right, Jimin was right all along..." Jungkook thought and finally looked back at Namjoon right after. "It's true... I didn't let you in, but... those words... they haunted me just like the words my parents told me. It's like I couldn't breathe when I heard everything; it was as if I was drowning and no matter how fast I swam, I was still locked in the same place. But instead of going forward, I was pulled under to drown... that's what things like this does to me..."

      "I should have thought before I spoke, I'm sorry Jungkook..." Namjoon apologized and dried his own tears. To the boy, he was so used to seeing Jimin's tears fall out of one eye while the other was left dry, he didn't realize how odd it looked when he watched a normal person cry before him. He never looked at his own tears like this, but when it came to Namjoon at the moment, he was set back.

       "I'm sorry too... I'm sorry I was so difficult, but n-now... now I'm better! I'm so much better... I don't turn to drinking anymore! I'm a better person!" Jungkook assured. Watching Namjoon smile through his tears before getting up to hug the boy. Wanting him to feel accomplished for getting rid of such a tough habit. It was easy, right? Jungkook had no idea, one day, he just stopped drinking when he knew that it wasn't in his reach. But to say it was gone forever, Jungkook just couldn't tell.

       "Ah, I'm so proud of you," Namjoon complimented and hugged the boy in his arms as Jungkook pressed his careful head against his brother figure's chest. Hearing a heartbeat aside from his own was also very off to him after such a long time he spent away from another human being.

      "Namjoon, I didn't think I ever opened up to you like this or even spoke to you that often, but I think I should thank you for taking me in when my family didn't want me... I still have things to patch up with them, so, I can't say much on that as of now. But overall, I would like to appreciate the things you've done for me, thank you, Namjoon..."

       "You know me, just caring for my brother. Even if you aren't, I still consider you as one," Namjoon confirmed and broke the hug just to look Jungkook in the eyes and sit right next to him. "Now that we moved past that, I wanted to ask... where did you go? Where did you stay?" Namjoon asked curiously and placed his hand over Jungkook's shoulder. "You didn't go home with some creep from the club, right?"

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