Chapter 47: Wake Up

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      Jungkook laid in bed that night. After he shared a meal with Namjoon, he laid in the same bed he slept in for so many years and closed his eyes. Instantly, Jungkook grew uneasy. He noted how his old bed was nothing compared to the wide and black silk bed he shared with Jimin. Jungkook closed his eyes and almost instantly, he couldn't count sheep at all. His mind still revolved around Jimin and he grew guilty in seconds.

     "Why do I feel so horrible? I'm doing what I need to do, I shouldn't feel as if I owe him an explanation, he will understand if I choose to stay overnight... besides, it's only one night, not an eternity; Jimin wouldn't get upset with me, wouldn't he?" Jungkook wondered and turned over to lay in his side as he looked out a window. Recalling the boarded up window he kept staring at in the hotel room every night. "He wouldn't... there's no way. He has no say in this, he should trust that I'm going to return. I'll return to him soon and only then, he will no longer compare me to those others who harmed him before."

      Jeon Jungkook was so confident, he was so determined to make Jimin change his mind and trust him completely, he didn't rethink his plan at all. The only thing that tended to swarm around his mind at the moment was the happy thoughts of Jimin trusting him at the end and his parents finally speaking to him after so long. Only now, Jungkook stayed awake to avoid it, but also tried his best to sleep just so he could return to Jimin soon. Deep down, Jungkook really needed to hear the words of his parents giving him clarity and finally sewing up the open wounds to avoid seeing them bleed any further.

       By dawn, Jungkook woke up and extended his arm to feel that Jimin wasn't there. His eyes widened as he quickly jumped and noticed that he was home, not at the hotel like always. He was so used to being locked up with Jimin, the boy kept feeling as if Jimin's presence was still there. Jeon Jungkook sighed and rolled his hair back, knowing that today was going to be a very long day.

      Without another second to waste, Jungkook got up and prepared for the day. Changing his clothes into the outfits he left behind felt unreal to him. He was so used to the fine cotton to such elegant clothing that kissed his skin before, he wore his red oversized sweater and tilted his head once he looked at the mirror.

     "If I do this..." Jungkook whispered and combed his hair back to expose his forehead again. "I look just like Hyunwon... if I wear the elegant clothes Jimin made me wear... I look just like Hyunwon," Jungkook thought until the idea finally hit him. "Is that why Jimin loves to brush my hair back like that? Is that why he doesn't want me wearing my own clothes? No... I shouldn't think like that. Jimin wouldn't use me to replace Hyunwon like that..." Jungkook thought to himself and finally moved away from the mirror.

     Every moment he looked at himself through the reflection, he would feel weird in the clothing he owned, he would feel weird without his hair brushed back and then by there, he would recall the photo of Hyunwon and Jimin. Jungkook now realized how much he avoided the mirror before.

      Downstairs, Jungkook joined Namjoon to see the man cooking. The smell of the hot rice being cooked along with the eggs on the fry pan, made Jungkook smile to himself. He enjoyed the smell of cooking, the sound of the pan brushing against the stove and the spatula mixing the food within it. Jungkook recalled those sounds from when Jimin would cook for him and even back when his mother used to cook his favorite meals today.

     "It's going to be a long day..." Jungkook spoke out through the silence and watched Namjoon turn back to smile at the sight of the younger. But oh boy, did he miss mornings like these.

     "It will be fast if you think about it... it's an obstacle in the way, but when they arrive, it won't be such a scary thing!"

      "You say that as if there's nothing wrong between me and my family. Of course it's going to go fast, for you that is. Ah, I just want to get this over with. I want to move on already... I want to go back to Jimin already!"

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