Chapter 48: A Mother's Love

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       Jungkook continued staring at the door until the knocking continued. He was anxious at the thoughts that filled his mind afterwards, who could it be? Could it be his parents finally seeing him after all this time? Or was it Jimin? Jungkook didn't know why a part of him believed Jimin was here, after such a dream, the boy was bound to run into Jimin once again. But the longer he listened to the consistent knocks, the more anxious he became in a time where his bravery was needed.

        Right when the boy stood up, Namjoon walked down from the stairs and looked at the boy.

      "It's your parents, they're here... don't be shy!" Namjoon called out to the boy as he made his steps down the stairs until he reached the bottom. Carefully, he walked towards the door and looked out the peephole before making a warm smile and unlocking the door. "Don't be nervous..."

       Jungkook bit his lip nervously and stood before the couch, looking out to the door carefully. His legs longed to take him far from the room that moment the door opened, but he stood there and held his hands behind his back as he awaited to hear the voices that used to haunt him before.

        In walked his mother with her usual thick and beige colored coat that always matched with her brown heels. She carried a strong scent of her favorite and expensive fragrance that sealed her look completely. As she stepped in, Jungkook noticed that she was the only one here. His father and his brother were nowhere to be found.

      "Namjoon, how are you? Have you eaten yet-" Jeon Jungkook's mother stopped in the middle of her question when she looked to her left and finally noticed Jungkook standing across from her. The sight of this boy, this broken yet, somehow fixed, boy, left her speechless as she continued to stare at him until Jungkook finally found it in himself to speak up and say something already.

      "Hi..." Jungkook spoke out and grew nervous to be in the presence of his mother. How could he form such words towards the one he grew so attached to before? The boy was anxious once again. "Mother, I came back... to talk to you..." Jungkook didn't know what to say. He imagined this moment but when the time came, he stood there, pushing out any words that came to mind.

       "Jungkook, it's been quite a while..." The mother added on and continued to look at the lost little lamb. The room went cold and silent as Namjoon finally left the room just so the two would be alone to handle these things.

     However, the room continued to remain silent as the mother sat down and watched Jungkook sit across from her and fidget with his own hands. They had many things to say to each other now, but no words came out. They spent a moment drowning in their silence until Jungkook held his breath and began to swim to shore.

      "It's been such a long time... I'm so glad to see you..."

      "I feel the same way... how have you been? Anything new you would like to let me know?" His mother asked and instantly, Jungkook smiled and looked up at his mother. Happy to hear her voice as she spoke to him.

      "I... I've been well! I've been doing so great lately! I-I... I have my own box apartment... and my own job, and... most importantly, I no longer drink! I've been sober for so long!" Jungkook spoke out happily as he felt the tears that were bound to race down his eyes. "I'm doing so much better now!"

      His mother sat there and nodded her head at the sound of that as she looked away and spoke to the boy without looking him in the eyes after so long. "Have you handled the situation well?"

       "Y-Yes... I finally received the help I needed..."

        "I'm glad," the mother replied. Instantly the room went silent again and Jungkook couldn't help but to become frustrated. He didn't understand why his mother seemed so distant at the situation since she only wanted him to get better, now that he has, he was expecting a big hug from the woman he hasn't seen in such a long time!

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