Chapter 41: His Only Thought

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      "To be his and only his..." Jungkook thought as he kissed the man he laid over. "That's all I want in my life and I want it so badly..." Jungkook lost himself in his thoughts as he made out with the one he used to fear before. But now, it was good knowing that he was bonded with Jimin on another level. Now, some parts of the man didn't seem too scary to the boy now. He didn't believe in the many things Hoseok and Seokjin warned him about so he laid there and kissed Jimin as if the truth of what Jimin was didn't scare him at all. Park Jimin was as normal as the rest. That's how Jungkook saw him.

       Jimin pulled away from a kiss and looked at Jungkook in his beautiful eyes. He longed to know the things Jungkook knew and longed to read his mind but he remained there, looking at him as if his world didn't revolve around the boy he faced. Jimin was falling deeper for Jungkook just like the way he did for Hyunwon. Jimin tried his best not to associate the two even after they made love over their bed like this, so he remained there, trying to forget that this face that laid in front of him, wasn't the same face Hyunwon had before.

      "What are you thinking about?~ are you pondering what just happened?" Jimin whispered as the man smiled at the sight of Jungkook mirroring his emotions.

       "Is it bad that I am? It was my first time doing anything like that! I've... I've never been kissed or made love to anyone... so I can't help but to think about it..." Jungkook replied as Jimin cupped the boy's face and closed his eyes as he rubbed his nose against his.

       "If you're up for it... I wouldn't mind going again. My energy leaves my body after I cum but then comes back in a bit. I'm not very exhausted now," Jimin mentioned as Jungkook began to laugh in Jimin's arms. "What's so funny?~"

      "Jimin, I'm exhausted! Ah... that was so perfect... I think I'm good for the night," Jungkook assured Jimin with a peck on the center of his plump lips. "I just want to sleep in your arms now... maybe for another day we can do it again."

      "Oh you're making it so difficult for me to agree with you!" Jimin laughed and ran the boy's damp hair back. "Jungkook, whenever you want me to make love to you again, tell me and I'll pleasure you," Jimin mentioned and made the boy blush. "Do you love the idea?"

      "Make love... I just realized that we aren't even dating!"

       "Dating...? I just thought we were partners already... we aren't something more than friends?" Jimin wondered with a worried look over his brown eyes and left Jungkook laughing. "What's so funny? Please tell me!"

        "Oh, Jimin!" Jungkook laughed and buried his face against Jimin's neck. "We are... I want to be something more to you than just a friend... I want to be yours... all yours!" Jungkook assured and felt the man caress his hair carefully.

     "You told me you were mine, all mine... that's why I believed you were my partner at that moment.... I'm sorry I wasn't very clear," Jimin whispered to Jungkook. "Will you be my partner, my everything, my boyfriend?"

      "Of course I will," Jungkook answered and kissed Jimin again. "Jimin, when... we finished, why did you beg for me not to go? Why would you think that?"

       "I... I'm just hung up at how I was treated before, it's nothing really. But at times, it always tends to catch up to me and make me feel as if I can't keep someone for too long... I just want everyone to stay," Jimin whispered as his face was then soothed by Jungkook's gentle touch. "Touch me... kiss me... it's all so different yet feels the same. Jungkook, I want you to stay here with me forever... can you do that for me? Please don't run off... I don't know what I'll do..."

     "Jimin, you know that I won't leave you. I have nothing, no one in my life that cares for me or even loves me. I'm all alone..." Jungkook whispered and watched Jimin shake his head.

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