Chapter 29: In the Eyes of the Devil

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Selfish was the word Jungkook began to despise hearing every moment. There was never a time where he went along his way not being called such a word for having a heart in a situation like this. Jeon Jungkook looked back at the words he spoke and understood how Seokjin would think that. But in his defense, he didn't think anyone was being selfish at a stressful time like this.

"Selfish... how could I be selfish?" Jungkook wondered while Hoseok loosened his arm around the boy and watched how he glared over to Seokjin. "I don't want to kill someone who treats me well! How will that make me feel at the end of the day? Am I going to be put into consideration? What about my feelings after the deed is done? Do you think I will throw that away and run back home happily?" Jungkook asked as tears threatened to fall from his face.

"Everyone in this hotel is locked up and this is the only opportunity we have at an escape! If we try to escape all at once, Jimin will manage to get to all of us! He's a monster that can't be detained! Please Jungkook, we don't want to be your enemy, we only want to be set free and sadly, this is the only way... this is the only way to punish a bad soulless monster like him..."

"You can't sit there and say he's a soulless monster! We don't know anything about him to say such things..."

"We don't need to know anything about a creature like him in order to say he isn't! Knowing well that he kills many is enough to know that this thing is a soulless monster. There is no saving a thing like him. He only wants you because he believes you're Hyunwon! How hard is that to understand?!" Hoseok spoke out and covered his face. "Please don't... don't take us as the villains here... and don't make him out to be a hero when he isn't..."

A tear finally escaped Jungkook's eyes as he listened to Hoseok's words. He knew better not to make Jimin a hero and hold him high above those who were suffering. Of course, he didn't need to know so much about Park Jimin in order to deem that he wasn't a bad person. But something in Jungkook felt sick, something in him longed to do it, but that side of him was slowly deteriorating while the other side hesitated to do such things. Even if he was a monster, Jungkook knew better not to build up such an innocent bond and strike him after since it wouldn't make him any better than Jimin.

"Jungkook..." Seokjin called out into a reassuring whisper as he slowly approached the boy sitting on the couch quietly. "I know this is a lot of pressure... but I'm sorry about everything... we didn't want to put this work over you but, you are the only one he would allow to stand close to him. There's no other way... Jimin is a vampire and what he craves is blood to survive and the people here are his source," Seokjin continued and rested his hand over the boy's shaky shoulders. "In a perfect world, he would have been an innocent person and we would have thought of a better way to escape. But the way he was created, was in the eyes of the devil."

"I understand..." Jungkook mentioned in order to make the words stop flowing from Seokjin's mouth. He understood both sides of the conversation. Hoseok and Seokjin just longed to be free and to make sure Jimin wouldn't harm another person by killing him off. It was understandable, but Jungkook still didn't feel right.

Was the boy just scared he would never find someone who kept him safe? Was he scared that he wouldn't hear someone else tell him such lovely and comforting words ever again? A part of him that grew fond of the man, was afraid of never finding such a kind soul like Jimin. Killing someone who only cared about him didn't feel right... but he had to put others into consideration when Jimin was the one that was the villain in this story. All the signs pointed that Jimin was at fault. Even if his actions didn't display it, Jungkook had to put himself in someone else's shoes since Jimin was only known to protect and cherish the boy and no one else.

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