Chapter 42: A Little Help~

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      Jungkook continued to think of his parents, Namjoon, his issues... it all played on in his head until he began to have an itch just burning to be dealt with in his own mind. Jungkook began to realize that deep down, he longed to confront his issues. For someone who grew afraid of facing his problems, Jimin opened his eyes to the situation at hand and allowed himself to realize his own flaws. Jungkook no longer wanted to run away, he no longer wanted to turn to drinking since he had Jimin to help him realize something so clear to him now. The boy that used to run away from everything, finally stopped running and longed to run towards the issue to fix them now.

      Jungkook smiled to himself, he finally began to realize the truth to what he did and he no longer wished to run away. He wanted to go home to where familiarity beamed so he could confront his parents and Namjoon. He wanted clarity and he wanted to smoothen the rough road ahead before he moved forward with himself. Jungkook hoped to have his life sorted out, his issues and his inner flaws in order to be there to support Jimin further. But at the same time, Jungkook wondered how he would be able to leave this place just for a while just to confront the issues he would always run away from. Especially when Jimin was laying right underneath him and hugging him as if he was going to leave the next second. Jungkook knew that in order for him to leave, he had to let Jimin know.

      Something in the boy's heart just told him that he will be able to go with Jimin's knowledge, but why did that dream seem so unattainable? Jungkook knew Jimin just had to let him go, he just had to especially since they trusted each other with so much now. Jungkook just longed to ask Jimin that simple question and the earlier he leaves, the sooner he will be able to return to Jimin without making him feel so alone in this world.

      "You're still awake..." Jimin whispered to the boy's ear as their naked bodies touched in the moment. "Are you counting sheep, my little raven?~" Jimin whispered as Jungkook smiled at the sound of Jimin's soothing voice that once sounded so cryptic before.

      "Ah, no... I'm only thinking... about the words you told me. Maybe I should stop running from my problems..." Jungkook whispered and felt Jimin's gloved hand raise up to cup the side of his face gently. "Thank you... for telling me those things..."

      "I will always be here to tell you the right words. Of course, I've lived long enough to learn from my own mistakes. But I myself don't know everything there needs to be known at times. Every other day I learn something new about myself," Jimin whispered to the boy and softly caressed the boy's face carefully. "But if I know something, I'll guide you... if I don't, we'll learn through that together."

      "Oh Jimin..." Jungkook spoke into a soft chuckle before he looked him in the eyes and kissed his lips once more. "You're perfect, Park Jimin."

      "Do you... really think so?" Jimin asked as he cupped the boy's face carefully. His brown eyes gleamed at Jungkook's statement as he couldn't help but to smile. "The words you say always tend to leave me smiling, even if some are unreal, you make me so happy, Jungkook... don't you ever leave me... ever..." Jimin whispered at that moment and left Jungkook thinking about what he pondered before, knowing well that he couldn't dare to ask Jimin about it now.

    So there the boy laid. He laid over his partner's chest while their naked bodies kept in contact for the night until the dawn of the next day. Jungkook was tucked into the bed and was sleeping over a pillow now like a child. He was asleep until he noted the silk covers over his body and the gentle pillowcase of the pillow embracing his face as he slept over it. As soon as he realized he wasn't sleeping over Jimin's body, he opened his eyes and sat up to find out that he was sleeping alone while Jimin scribbled away in an old book he kept on the shelf.

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