Chapter 13: Curious

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       Closer and closer Jimin brought his plump lips to Jungkook's neck. His fangs sharpened at the sight of the vulnerable boy and his red glowing eyes deepened. But just as his lips were inches away from the boy's tender and warm skin, Jimin hesitated and pulled away in seconds.

       "What am I doing? I can't do this to you... if I wanted to taste you, I would ask Seokjin to extract blood from you at once... like every other night, but I can't imagine giving this curse to you... not here... not now... not ever... it's my burden to carry," Jimin whispered to himself and sat up to look over the boy. "Please remember me... my sweet, fierce, little raven...please"

        When the sun rose on a new day; Jungkook's eyes opened to the same designs engraved onto the walls and ceiling. Jungkook ran his hair back and sat up with an exhale. This time, he was feeling a lot better; he was able to rest as if no other nightmares haunted him soon after. For the first time he stayed in this hotel, he was able to rest well and get up feeling better compared to the other mornings he's had before.

       Jungkook sat up and stretched as he looked around in the empty room. Nothing more caught his attention but the tray sitting on the bedside table; holding a cup of cold orange juice and a  breakfast sandwich with eggs and crisp bacon set within it. Jungkook kept staring at the tray and let out an exhale before remembering that he was trapped in one place.

      "I'm still here..." Jungkook thought and finally looked up to the window concealed with wooden boards. "I miss the outside... for once, could I just see it?" the boy questioned himself. In silence, he remained sitting over the wide bed until he heard a sound that called his focus onto the doorway to the kitchenette. Suddenly, Jimin stepped in wearing his usual white dress shirt, black slacks with black suspenders over the shirt and matching classic shoes. Jimin combed his hair back and stepped into the main room where Jungkook remained sitting over the bed.

       "Good morning, Jungkook. Did you sleep well?" Jimin asked plainly; hiding his hands behind his back and displaying his straight posture. "You seem to be getting better..." the mysterious man whispered and deepened his gaze onto the boy.

      "I feel a lot better..." Jungkook answered and rubbed his eyes right after. "Where did you...sleep? Did you sleep right here...?" Jungkook wondered and listened to Jimin let out a chuckle.

      "Why? Does that bother you?" Jimin asked and stepped in closer to see the boy avert his eyes so suddenly. "I slept right there... don't worry, I didn't do anything so there's no reason for you to be so afraid of me," assured the man and pointed to the spot right by Jungkook. "It is my bed after all..."

      "I-I don't have a problem with that...'' Jungkook answered and held his own hands carefully and began to fidget with them. It was the same and familiar tick that always tended to tease the boy when Jimin was around; the uncertainty and unfamiliarity ticked around Jungkook and made many questions long to spew onto the surface. "I... I didn't hear you come in last night, Jimi- I mean... 'Master'..." the very sound of those words rolling off his own tongue caused him to shudder uncomfortably. Yet, he knew he had to address Jimin like this since he was more afraid of knowing what this man could truly do to him when he least expected it.

      "I had business to attend to. Just so you know, I don't really spend much time here. I have many things to do every day. But I do return to you when I can just so I could make you something to eat. I don't want you to starve here..." Jimin assured and stood right beside the boy, gazing at him as his brown eyes didn't seem to blink even once!

      "Why... Why do you care so much about me? Am I a pet to you?" Jungkook asked as Jimin only smirked and then shifted his attention over to the tray with the breakfast sitting right over it.

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