Chapter 56: The Way You See Me

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      Jungkook felt himself hesitating at first, but he knew this was what he wanted... right? He longed to find out about the man Jimin once loved. Jungkook was desperate to find the imperfections in the late Hyunwon, just so his mind would be put to ease after all the comparisons that made him feel so helpless before.

      The boy shook away the last of his doubts and finally fixed his eyes at the very beginning of the entry; the entry that was written the day of Jungkook's arrival to the grim hotel in the first place.

I've seen him. I've seen Hyunwon once again and I can't help but to lose my mind at the sight of him now! Is it really him? The one I loved so much? It just had to be. Seeing you leave me so suddenly before, left me devastated... how could you leave me like that? I must have done something wrong to make you act so out of character. You're the only one I love, how could you leave me so soon but then appear right in front of me on this grim day, Hyunwon?

That boy... he's the spitting image of Hyunwon... his name is Jeon Jungkook and I ran into him on the sixth floor. Normally, Seokjin would send a new guest over to the sixth floor just so I could feast on them... but the moment I locked eyes with that boy... I teared up just seeing that it was no one other than my Hyunwon! My love, my little raven, Hyunwon. How could I have been so blind? How could I doubt that this boy wasn't you in any way? You two are the same... so much alike through looks and I couldn't help but to lose my mind at the sight of your return, Hyunwon.

I never understood what people spoke of when the mentioned the word "death", surely the person isn't gone forever, right? You supposedly died but here you are, in my presence and knocking out all of those thoughts I kept in my head for so long. Those thoughts and lies believing you were dead from the very beginning when here you stood. Very much alive.

My little raven... The true reason I renamed this hotel in the first place, was to have him return to me. My little raven is no stranger to that name... so I went on to rename the hotel as "The Raven Hotel" in hopes of bringing him back into my arms and to my surprise, it worked. It really worked but I couldn't tell if he was playing it off as if he couldn't remember me... he seemed as if he didn't, is he hiding from me now? There's no point in hiding from me since you're in our hotel now, Hyunwon... please remember me... please.

       Jungkook's eyes began to tear up just hearing the cute little name he was always told, being written all over Hyunwon's name as well. Jungkook almost didn't want to keep reading on in this book since it only described Hyunwon as a perfect man in Jimin's eyes. Of course, how would Jimin see Hyunwon differently? The love he had for the late man was beyond the definition of love and this only drove Jungkook insane. Surely Jimin only thought this way in the beginning, right? Jungkook had rather hoped so.

Lately, Hyunwon has been trying to escape this place. I tried to warn him about leaving but I guess he took it as a joke? In some way... I feel as if he recalls what I've done to him before and wants to avoid the same fate. Is that what it is? Is that why he's so desperate to leave? I had to drag him into my room because of that. He was unstable... but maybe he just needs to regain his memory about me. Surely a fall from the window of the sixth floor was bound to break away some old memories right? I don't know... but what I do know is that this is Hyunwon. How could he not be?

I rolled his hair back in his sleep and found myself falling more in love with Hyunwon every moment. How could he hide from me like this? Do I have to punish him further each time he escapes? He's playing a game I don't like at all. How could he not remember me? Maybe I'll have to show him.. show him the many things we shared before and give him the things he wore before. I still have the clothes that fit him so well, maybe that will help him remember who he was before; my Hyunwon.

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