Chapter 32: A Night to Remember

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Jungkook instantly woke up with a jolt as his body trembled in his own sweat. He panted frantically and reached over his own heart to feel it pound over and over again repeatedly like a marble being dropped onto the ground. His breathing grew uneven and his body felt weak in fear. Jungkook was still a healthy boy that wasn't drained at all, so he only felt this weak because of his nightmare that always seemed so vivid.

"Another fucking nightmare, are you kidding me?!" Jungkook hissed out of breath as his eyes began to water. "I've had these dreams about him before, dreams of him being so cryptic and corrupt! How many of them will I have? What is he capable of?! I haven't had a dream like this since the beginning of my stay here... could my mind make up such things just because I don't know much about him? But I know what there is to be known of him... right?" Jungkook asked himself.

For that split moment, Jungkook hugged himself and tried to even his breathing. He longed to know more to Jimin just to avoid dreams like those. He realized that now, his nightmares embodied the thoughts he tried to avoid. No matter how hard he tried, he just kept coming back to it every moment he fell asleep. Finally, the day he tried his best to avoid had approached him now. The boy looked over to the nightstand and looked at the raven mask he had to wear tonight and kill Jimin with.

"It's going to be a long day... and a night to remember..." Jungkook thought and finally managed to soothe the wrinkles in his thoughts that filled his mind. Actually taking the time to sort out his mind and focus on what he planned on doing for the night. "I don't want to harm him. This is supposed to be the night everyone is freed.. everyone but myself. I don't understand, Jimin can't be that bad..." Jungkook whispered and closed his eyes to reminisce on the painful words Hoseok told him weeks before. "...right? Ah, it's so difficult to decide... it's so difficult to realize there's more to the man I thought I knew... if only... I can..." Jungkook continued and slowly brought his gaze up towards the shelf where the old book lied.

Jungkook remembered the book Jimin would scribble into here and there, but he only looked at it from where he sat. Not daring to move another muscle. "I can't... I can't do that to him... not when he's been so kind to me and not when I'm going to harm him tonight," Jungkook thought out. "AH- I can't make up my fucking mind! What's wrong with me?! Don't I want to be set free and return to living the life I've had? Jimin... he's been so nice to me but all I know is what relies on the surface. There's many things I don't know about him and may never know if I pull through with this... could there be another way to free everyone?"

With that final question burning in Jungkook's mind, he picked up the raven mask and noticed a small note sitting underneath it that read:

"I won't return to the room for the remainder of the day. Please meet me at the ball tonight! I better see you there at eight o'clock sharp! I've left you meals in the fridge. Heat it up when you're hungry~ p.s there's a functional clock in the kitchen so you can keep track of the time."

"Oh, Jimin...there... just has to be a way to free everyone and avoid killing him. If he could care for me and have a soft side for me at the same time, there just has to be some good in him. There just has to and I know I will find it, I won't hurt him. How could I kill him if the simple thought of it scares me every second? I can't do it..." Jungkook concluded. Finally deciding that he didn't long to hurt Park Jimin. After he decided, he only continued to feel a bit of weight drop from his shoulders. No matter what, he still couldn't escape the pressure and it wouldn't leave him until the deed was done.

Throughout the early morning leading up to the start of the ball, Jungkook spent his day praying that Hoseok and Seokjin would find him at the event to push him into doing the final step to the plan. The last thing Jungkook wanted was to be reminded how horrifying the vampire truly was when in reality, there seemed more to the man than what meets the eye. Jungkook believed that since Jimin tended to show a gentle side towards him, maybe there was a way to let everyone go including himself. But was it possible? Jungkook just couldn't tell.

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