Chapter 3: Check In

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    Jungkook zipped his bag up and before he knew it, he was racing down the stairs as quiet as he could. He made sure the tips of his toes touched the solid ground first before his heels as he finally made it down the many steps from the second floor. With no other second left to spare, Jungkook slipped his shoes on and was out of the house as quick as he could. Just the mere thought of having Namjoon figure out that he was leaving for the night, scared him completely. He didn't want to face the older man and believed many things could go wrong from there. Jeon Jungkook was too afraid to face anything and only ran away from his issues in hopes they would clear up on their own.

      The moment Jungkook raced out of the house, he felt as if he was sobering up now. Rain poured onto him roughly, drenching his black silk hair and clothes instantly. Just as the lightning began to flash and light up the streets ahead, Jungkook began to regret his decision a bit, but nothing scared him more than his anxiety when it came to confrontation. The silent boy raced down the empty streets to his neighborhood and kept glancing at his phone for directions on where to turn next. With every quick step he took, splashes of the puddles he stepped in, wet the cuffs of his denims with mud.

      Warm huffs of his breath escaped into the cold as he breathed heavily. Jungkook tried to ignore the feeling of regret and could tell he longed to return back to safety, but he couldn't turn around now. Jungkook was too determined to avoid Kim Namjoon. As his legs kept pushing him forward, he eventually reached the isolated street after running for quite a while. Once he stepped foot into the ghostly neighborhood, goosebumps formed over his skin as tried not to let his eyes wander for too long in one place.

      Jungkook didn't believe in those rumors, of course, how could he? He didn't believe in the paranormal and ignored it as he kept running through the night. Trying hard not to steer his mind away from the pending turns he had to take. With every quick step he took, he eventually began to feel weary; every second his shoe hit a puddle of mud, he felt as if his steps took longer to reach solid ground. The destination stretched further as he kept racing down the path, but the feeling of being stared at suddenly began to rise.

       Quickly, he looked at his phone once more to find the next turn when suddenly, his phone switched off. His heart dropped as his mind scrambled around for a thought when it only retrieved the memory that his phone was at least at a full percentage before he ran off.

      "Don't do this to me... not now!" Jungkook hissed as he felt himself slowing down. Hoping to turn his phone back on just so he could find his way around. Just as he stopped, the feeling of being watched only grew even more. He couldn't tell where the feeling came from, but all he knew was that it felt as if it came from every direction. The uneasy calling didn't leave him anxious, rather, it left him curious. Normally when he would be stared at in public, he grew anxious. But here he was, feeling curious as to who or what was staring at him for so long.

      The lost lamb's heart raced when he looked around at the unfamiliar, every glance he took was quick before he continued to dash down the street once more. Many foreign glares locked onto him like bullets to a target; no matter how quick he moved, he still felt the steel pelt of a bullet strike his body every second. Lightning lit up the streets once more and thunder clashed even closer than the last! At this point, Jungkook couldn't dare to think of stopping right where he stood, his curiosity begged him to look around, but the small side of him that actually gave into the rumors, was shivering along with the rest of his body in the cold rain.

      Running for so long felt like hours to Jungkook. It was as if he was running in circles until he finally found the familiar building. With the sight of the hotel falling into his gaze, he sped up and rushed to the entrance, hoping that this place wasn't just another abandoned building that housed homeless people.

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