Chapter 19: Big Plans

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      A smile as bright and charming as Jungkook's, left Jimin staring with his glowing red eyes; unknowingly latching onto the boy at every beat of Jungkok's heart. He was speechless, at complete awe at the sight, and couldn't look away for more than a second. Jungkook's smile was only the best Jimin has ever seen in his strangely lived life, so he sat there, and finally mirrored the smile he watched from the boy, yet, only smiling with his plump, red, lips.

       "You should eat some more, we could share it!" Jungkook mentioned and looked at the bowl of stew. "This time, go slow and don't rush it," Jungkook added and let out a laugh. Just then, he noticed Jimin's smile once more and couldn't help but to look away. Feeling as if this interaction was enough to make him nervous.

       "No, please, it's all yours. I have a very... peculiar taste.. when it comes to what I eat," Jimin mentioned and slid the tray closer to Jungkook. "Eat up, the last thing that I want is to let you starve."

      "A peculiar... taste?" Jungkook asked and smiled at the man again. "Are you the type of person who would enjoy steak with wine? You must be very fancy."

        "Hm... well, it's something like that..." Jimin added onto the conversation and watched Jungkook eat.

        It was as if his world struck down with a quick flash of lightning from his crimson stare; he thought Jungkook's smile was very familiar and warming. Something he was very unaware of before, began to rise up in his head. The way this boy smiled, the way he spoke and the way he would laugh, left Jimin curious at once.

       "You... have such a beautiful smile..." Jimin mentioned and watched Jungkook freeze up and slowly set the spoon down once more.

        "O-Oh... thank you, I don't remember the last time someone told me anything like that! I appreciate it," Jungkook replied and continued to eat.

       "This was my first time seeing you smile or laugh like that, you should smile often," Jimin continued and enjoyed seeing Jungkook freeze up at every word.

        "I would, but being held captive and unaware of many things... isn't really a thing to smile about," Jungkook answered and looked at Jimin once more. "Would... you smile, if you were held captive and kept in one room?" Jungkook asked and watched Jimin shake his head faintly. "So, it's weird that I'm actually smiling or even laughing. For a moment, I don't think I've been happy even before I came here. So hearing my own laughter was a very rare thing. Of course, I would hear my own voice when I would giggle as I drank until I was completely drunk, but nothing that actually made me laugh like this. Thank you... for that..."

       "You're welcome..." Jimin replied and watched the boy nervously look away as continue to eat. "Your smile, reminds me so much of him..." Jimin brought up and smiled again. "It's charming..."

        "Him... is that all he likes to say? He seems to compare me a lot to this Hyunwon guy, huh?" Jungkook wondered in his mind. "I don't know... if that's a compliment or not. You must really like to compare me to Hyunwon," Jungkook finally spoke out and watched Jimin tilt his head right after. "I hope you don't associate me with him as the same person, it's not a good thing for you to do, especially if you're waiting for him to come to you soon."

       "I'm just very observant... that's all," Jimin replied and finally looked away to stare at the boarded up windows. "Jungkook, you look so much like him... I couldn't help it. But I know you two are different..." Jimin assured and cleared his throat right afterwards. "There are many things that make the two of you different..."

       "What is it? If the rest is personal, you could name one thing if you would like," Jungkook assured. Noticing how the silent man stared off to the boarded window. "I understand if things are too personal for you to tell. I have many things I hold back from telling you since, it's too personal for me to open up.. especially too soon. But yet again, I don't think I'll ever recall a memory we supposedly shared and I think I'll be here forever, so, if this is the last place I see before I die, I would rather tell you everything now since I will live with you until then. Yet, time is a good thing and I believe there's a time and place for everything," the boy assured and slowly reached over Jimin's shoulder and softly gave him a pat. "We could open up whenever we feel like we're ready. How does that sound?"

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