Chapter 23: Comforting

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With the sound of Jimin's sly and eerie voice slipping down Jungkook's drunk mind, the boy began to smile and lean back against Jimin, feeling his cold hands still lock over his neck and slowly slip under his shirt.

"Ah, Master~ is that you?" Jungkook whispered and smirked while his eyes closed tightly right after. "Your hands... they're so cold..." The boy continued and slowly raised his hands up to grip onto Jimin's wrists and hoped that he would pull them away. "Are you going to punish me now?~"

Jimin rose a brow and quickly removed his hands from the boy and instantly caught a bitter scent just filling his nose when he stood right behind the drunk boy. Jimin's brows furrowed and tilted his head and finally caught onto the familiar stench.

"Have you been drinking, Jungkook?" Jimin asked and quickly pulled the boy by the collar of his sweater roughly. "Answer my question, Jungkook. I don't have all day..."

"I did! What are you going to do to me? Touch me with your cold hands again?" Jungkook asked and began to laugh once more, trying to step forward when Jimin pulled him back into his space. Not wanting to see how unbalanced and weak he walked on his own.

"No, who did this to you? Where did you go?"

"Shhh..... you'll spoil the plan!" Jungkook spoke up and turned around to face the man even when he still held him by the collar of his sweater. "It's all a secret... I don't want to ruin it~"

Jimin's red glare deepened at the boy and without another warning, Jimin grabbed Jungkook by the wrist with his cold hand and dragged him out of the room. Hearing Jungkook laugh and follow along while he kept swinging his arm around like a child.

"First, you disobey me... then, you go to drink somewhere else and avoid letting me know about it? So, is it that easy to hide things from me, Jungkook?!" Jimin hissed and opened the door. Dragging Jungkook behind him and hearing nothing but the sweet laughter that Jimin couldn't help but to grow soft towards, but still try to maintain a strong stance against it.

"I can hide many things, Master! Like the big plan of having you killed!" Jungkook spoke up and threw his arms up before he dropped onto the bed close by. "Oh the many things...."

"Stop talking nonsense, Jungkook..." Jimin growled and fixed the boy over the bed and adjusted the pillows underneath Jungkook's head so he would remain comfortable even in a state like this. "I can't believe you... I can't believe you would disobey me after all my warnings... I swear, Hyunwon was never like this at all!" Jimin spoke to himself and placed on his gloves before walking into the kitchenette. Leaving Jungkook to lay over the bed and smile at the ceiling silently.

"Master~ when will you punish me? I've deceived you...." Jungkook continued on as Jimin only ignored the boy further and took out a bottle of water from the mini fridge.

"I don't understand you, I don't understand you at all! I care for you, I support your health and give you one rule to go by, then you break it as if you allow these words to go through one ear and then spill out the other! Jungkook, I want to trust you now... I began to trust you until you left to get drunk somewhere, now here you are, drunk and lying over the bed speaking nonsense. I trusted you and all you did to repay me is to escape again! How do you expect me to let you attend the event like this? How will I know you won't leave again?" Jimin asked and walked out of the kitchen to see Jungkook laying over the bed, no longer smiling and just staring blankly onto the ceiling.

Words like those sounded all too familiar to the boy. He remained over the bed; closing his teary eyes and hearing Jimin continue to raise his voice while the drunk child only listened in silence. Avoiding to confront the man even if he wasn't looking at him in the eyes.

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